Does your company desire a better yesterday – I bet the answer is no. In earlier times, most companies depended on in-house servers for storing their growing collection of data and online files but as cloud servers allow unlimited storage, it has become the next big thing. Cloud storage is affordable and allows easy access from anywhere in the world.
Here are ten benefits of online data storage in the cloud:
- Cost-Effectiveness
Business owners can rest assured that once data is in the cloud, safety is guaranteed. With this technology, the company itself does not need any inner manpower and support to manage and store their data; the cloud storage vendor handles it all.
- Usability and accessibility
Most all of the cloud services come with an easy-to-use user interface and provide a feature of drag and drop. For instance, you can think of Google drive from Google or iDrive from Apple. They both have a simple interface, and you can easily upload your file on your online drive without any expert knowledge.
For example, if you have saved a file in a drive using a mobile device, you can retrieve that file using a computer or any other device with internet connectivity. It doesn’t matter where you are right now. If you have a good internet connection, you can access your files, which is saved online somewhere in the data centres.
- Security
The cloud storage saves your data across the redundant servers, so even if one of the data centres gets collapsed, your data will be managed by the other data centers, which make your data safe and supervised.
If all the data centers of the storage provider get collapse or destroyed, then only your data could be lost, and this is an entirely impossible phenomenon because a cloud storage service is formed of thousands of data centers.
Some of the cloud storage vendors keep the copies of your data at the different data centers, so even if the data get lost or corrupted at the server, the backup must be there.
- Convenience in file Sharing
Cloud storage service provides file-sharing features, which helps you to share your file with other users. You can either send a file to another user or invite multiple users to view your data.
- Automation
One of the biggest issues that most of business owners face is creating data backup plans and scheduling the said backup in a way that the daily run smoothly. With cloud storage technology, the tedious task of data backups is simplified through automation. All you need to do is select what you want to backup and when you want to backup and your cloud environment will easily take care of the needful.
- Multiple users
The same cloud environment can have more than one use associated with it. With cloud storage, multiple users can collaborate with the common file. For instance, you can give access to your files to multiple users so they can access and edit your file. The authorized person can access your file from any part of the world in real-time.
- Synchronization
With proper credentials, you can log in to your subscribed storage service with any device, and you will be able to access all data that have been stored in that cloud storage. There is no need to copy data from one device to another, but you need a good internet connection to have access to all of your files. Synchronization affords a chance to sync the cloud storage data with any device you want
- Convenience
You do not need any hard disk or flash drive to access or view your data — all is done online. However, if you want to download any file or data, you may require a storage device or you can download that data in your device. But if you want to surf your data, then it would not occupy any space on your device.
Even if you make any changes to the data, all the changes will reflect on every device which is synced with that storage service. You do not require any expert or technical knowledge to use the cloud storage service. All the heavy lifting is managed by the vendor itself.
- Scalable
Upon subscription, and you realize the current plan of storage is not enough, all that is needed is an upgrade. You do not need to move any data from one location to another, the extra space will be added to your storage environment with some extra features. Cloud storage is scalable and flexible.
- Disaster recovery
Every business has a backup storage plan where they store all the copies of their data. If they encounter any collapse or loss of data problem, they can retrieve data from their backup plan, and that is why cloud storage is the best method to deal with this problem. Cloud storage service provides the best platform for disaster recovery data. Any business can use cloud storage as a data backup storage, so if there is a data loss, the company can retrieve backup data from the cloud.
Challenged by the need to have your data stored in the cloud? I present to you Layer3’s on-demand Cloud Storage solution, CloudShare, is built for the corporate enterprise. It gives you complete control over the storage, distribution and retrieval of your data.
Our CloudShare is a very cost-efficient solution, eliminating the need to invest in expensive data storage infrastructure. Request for a consultation today.