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Climate Finance: The Urgency of Climate Action in Nigeria



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By Grace Oluchi Mbah, Co-Founder and Executive Director, Climate Action Africa

Nigeria, Africa’s most populous nation, is facing a critical challenge: climate change. The country is highly vulnerable to the devastating impacts of a warming planet, including extreme weather events like floods and droughts, rising sea levels, and ecological disruptions. These changes threaten not only Nigeria’s environment but also its economic growth, social development, and overall well being.

There was a time when we could reasonably predict the weather in Nigeria. Rainy and dry seasons arrived at specific periods in the year, allowing for preparation, especially among rural farmers. By monitoring the seasons, farmers could cultivate crops and achieve bountiful harvests.

Nigeria’s rainy seasons have changed. Once a land of consistent rain, the country now experiences more intense downpours followed by longer dry periods. This disrupts agricultural production, leading to food insecurity. Floods caused by heavy rains destroy crops and infrastructure, displacing communities. Since September 2022, the worst floods in a decade have affected 3.2 million people across Nigeria, of whom an estimated 60 percent are children. Anambra, Bayelsa, Cross River, and Jigawa States have seen the highest numbers of displaced persons.

In Northern Nigeria, conflict may have continued to drive population displacement, disrupt livelihood activities, and restrict market access. However, the region’s suffering intensifies due to its particular vulnerability to droughts caused by rising temperatures and reduced rainfall. Lake Chad, a vital source of water for millions, is shrinking at an alarming rate. Since the 1960s, the lake has shrunk by around 90%. This recession of water is a result of both reduced precipitation induced by climate change and the development of modern irrigation systems for agriculture, alongside the increasing human demand for freshwater.

Coastal cities like Lagos face the risk of inundation due to rising sea levels. This saltwater intrusion contaminates freshwater sources and threatens coastal ecosystems. Erosion caused by rising sea levels destroys infrastructure and can displace populations. If global warming exceeds 2°C, Lagos State is predicted to see a 90cm rise in sea level by 2100.

Some other current climate change issues in Nigeria include frequent and intense heat waves, deforestation, overgrazing, and extreme weather events that contribute to land degradation. There is no doubt that Nigeria faces a real climate change challenge. It is imperative that the government and other stakeholders put in place mitigation and adaptation projects, such as developing renewable energy sources and reducing emissions, as well as adaptation efforts, including building resilient infrastructure and fostering community resilience, to curb climate change challenges in Nigeria.

A solution to Nigeria’s rising climate change challenge is climate finance. Climate finance refers to local, national and transnational financing that is drawn from public, private and alternative sources of financing that seeks to support mitigation and adaptation actions that will address climate change. Climate finance plays a critical role in empowering developing nations like Nigeria to combat climate change. It provides the much-needed resources to implement mitigation and adaptation strategies that safeguard the environment and bolster climate resilience.

While Nigeria has ambitious climate goals enshrined in its Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) – a pledge under the Paris Agreement to reduce greenhouse gas emissions –  achieving them hinges on a crucial factor: climate finance.

Climate finance serves as a crucial instrument for Nigeria to confront its climate change challenges. It encompasses various funding sources, that includes, multilateral aid in form of grants and concessional loans provided by developed countries and international organizations. Investments from banks, insurers, and asset managers in climate-smart projects that emanate as private sector investment and carbon pricing mechanisms which are revenue generated from carbon taxes or emissions trading schemes.

By effectively deploying climate finance, Nigeria can invest in renewable energy sources like solar and wind power which can lessen reliance on fossil fuels and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Funds can be directed towards strengthening infrastructure to withstand extreme weather events, developing climate-resistant crop varieties, and improving early warning systems. Support for the adoption of sustainable agricultural practices that enhance food security and reduce deforestation can also be achieved.

The Funding Gap and the Urgency for Action

Nigeria’s current climate finance scenario paints a concerning picture. Estimates suggest the country receives around $1.9 billion annually, a far cry from the estimated $17.7 billion required to meet its NDC targets by 2030. This significant funding gap translates to a lack of resources for crucial climate action initiatives.

The consequences of inaction are dire. Studies by the Department for International Development (DFID) indicate that climate change could cost Nigeria between 6% and 30% of its GDP by 2050. This economic strain, coupled with environmental degradation and social upheaval, could significantly destabilize the nation.

Bridging the climate finance gap necessitates a multi-pronged approach involving various stakeholders:

  • Public Sector: The Nigerian government must prioritize climate finance allocation within its budget. Innovative mechanisms like carbon taxes and green bonds can be explored to generate additional revenue for climate projects.

  • Private Sector: The private sector has a vital role to play. Banks and financial institutions need to develop financial products that incentivize investments in low-carbon and climate-resilient technologies. Additionally, corporations should factor climate risk into their decision-making processes and invest in sustainable practices.

  • International Community: Developed nations have a responsibility to support developing countries like Nigeria in their climate efforts. Fulfilling pledges made under international agreements like the Green Climate Fund is crucial.

Despite the challenges, there are positive developments on the Nigerian climate finance landscape. In November 2021, The Climate Change bill was signed into law by President Buhari in order to provide Nigeria with a legal framework for climate action, fostering transparency and accountability in climate finance management. Nigeria also issued sovereign green bonds to finance renewable energy projects, demonstrating a commitment to sustainable development.

Nigeria’s climate action journey will require sustained efforts and strategic partnerships. Some key areas for focus are:

  • Enhancing Transparency and Accountability:  Clear reporting mechanisms and robust governance structures are essential to ensure that climate funds are used effectively and efficiently.

  • Capacity Building:  Building domestic expertise in climate finance management is crucial. Training programs and knowledge-sharing initiatives can equip stakeholders with the necessary skills to navigate the complexities of climate finance.

  • Unlocking Private Sector Investment:  Creating an attractive environment for private sector investment in climate solutions, through policy incentives and de-risking mechanisms, is essential.

Climate change is an existential threat to Nigeria, but it also presents an opportunity for transformation. By mobilizing adequate climate finance, Nigeria can build a low-carbon and climate-resilient future. This will require a collective effort from the government, private sector, and international community. With decisive action and innovative solutions, Nigeria can not only safeguard its environment but also  secure a sustainable and prosperous future for its citizens

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Ugo Onwuaso is an ICT enthusiast. He believes technology should be used for general good. He holds a Master of Public Administration (MPA) degree from the Lagos state University. Dear Reader, Your support matters. But we believe that technology makes life more exciting and helps improve the lives of people around Nigeria and indeed the world. That is why, we have devoted our energy to independent reportage of technology and finance and how they affect lives. Our incisive and analytical view of how technology news affects the daily life help individuals and organizations make up their minds. Quality journalism costs money. Today, we're asking that you support us to do more. Kindly support our effort to deliver technology and finance journalism to everyone in the world. Donate as little as N1,000. Bank transfers can be made to: UBA Plc 1017156876 Communication Week Media Ltd


NBC Grants C54News Nod to Operate in Nigeria



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National Broadcast Commission (NBC) has granted approval to Future One Africa Television (FOA TV), a pan-African television station, to begin operations.

NBC Grants C54News Nod to Operate in Nigeria

This followed a significant investment of $7 million by Idris-Etanami Abiodun Usman, network’s CEO, to establish a state-of-the-art broadcasting facility.

With NBC’s approval, C54News is now cleared to launch its innovative programming, showcasing the diversity and richness of African cultures, talents, and experiences.

The network promises to deliver high-quality content, including news, documentaries, entertainment shows, and more, catering to a diverse audience across the continent.

FOA TV’s cutting-edge technology and creative approach aim to redefine the television landscape in Africa, providing a platform for African voices, stories, and perspectives to shine.

The network has assembled a team of experienced professionals, including renowned journalists, producers, and presenters, to drive its vision forward.

As C54News prepares to take over the airwaves, audiences can expect a fresh and exciting broadcasting experience that reflects the complexity and beauty of Africa.

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True financial inclusion calls for smaller markets to receive equal attention to larger ones



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By John Ngari, Director, Africa MNOs at Onafriq

The potential for mobile money and digital payments to drive financial inclusion is immense. We can see this potential being unlocked on the African continent as it accounts for 70% of the world’s $1 trillion mobile money value and registered a 12% growth in mobile money accounts to 1.75 billion in 2023.

John Ngari,

This is opening a number of new opportunities for economic growth and development as more robust and connected payment networks are breaking down geographical barriers, opening up access to new markets and enabling anyone to send and receive payments quickly and easily from and to anywhere in the world.

However, these significant benefits are largely being realised and felt in Africa’s larger, and key, markets such as Nigeria, South Africa, and of course Kenya- where mobile money was first launched and popularised on the continent. While these markets have reached greater levels of digital payments maturity, smaller and more underdeveloped markets are often passed over, leaving many still excluded from economic participation and financial freedom.

And yet, the truly transformative power of mobile money and digital payments can be most realised in these overlooked economies where the reliance on cash, a lack of traditional bank accounts due to limited infrastructure and access, and the substantial penetration of smartphones and increasing internet connectivity has created the ideal confluence of circumstances that will pave the way for a more inclusive and resilient financial future.

Realising the enabling power of digital payments

The biggest drivers of mobile money adoption in Africa is its accessibility and ease of use. Unlike traditional financial services, there’s largely no need for extensive paperwork, a credit and financial history, or a physical presence within a brick-and-mortar branch in order to gain access to these services.

This low barrier to entry, along with mobile money’s ability to enable economies beyond just transactions and empower both individuals and enterprises, makes it particularly impactful for underserved markets. Within these regions, mobile money and the digital payments ecosystem has the power to serve as catalysts for economic growth, poverty reduction, and enable marginalised communities with the financial freedom to manage their day-to-day lives, start or expand their businesses, and invest in their futures.

A concerted effort towards a single goal

It’s important that all levels of an economy work towards achieving the crucial objective of financial inclusion. Collaboration is a key component in creating and maintaining an environment that creates more opportunities for inclusive growth and ensures economic resilience.

Not only do governments play a pivotal role in developing and implementing the policies and regulations that foster a supportive framework for financial services, but investment from both the public and private sectors are essential to building the necessary digital payments infrastructure that will underpin financial inclusion on the continent. Meanwhile, fintech firms can continue to drive innovation in this space that will achieve the desired convenience, speed and accessibility within the payments space.

We can see this value already starting to be realised across smaller markets like Eswatini where the Central Bank established a FinTech unit to spearhead the development of digital payments in the country in 2018, in South Sudan where the introduction of mobile money in 2017 has enabled development organisations to distribute cash assistance securely, and Somalia which recently enabled digital payments to be made between the country’s banks, making payments easier.

And, in Ethiopia, non-banks were enabled to provide mobile money services in 2020 as mobile money services could lift 700 000 people out of poverty, add $5.3 billion to the country’s economy, increase tax revenue by $300 million, and essentially position the country to adapt to economic downturns according to the GSMA’s 2023 Mobile Money in Ethiopia report. Recognising this period as a key moment in the country’s transformation into a financially inclusive economic powerhouse, Onafriq has also strengthened its presence in Ethiopia through a number of partnerships with financial institutions, mobile network operators, and other key decision makers. This includes partnerships with Ethio telecom and M-PESA Safaricom to enhance and streamline remittance flows and address the shortage of forex while providing customers with much-needed funds.

It’s clear then that when all these elements work in harmony, they can break down barriers to financial access, enabling people and businesses to participate more fully in the economy, thus driving sustainable development and economic growth in these underserved regions. And, investing in these smaller, underserved markets – which represent a significant portion of the continent’s population – is simply integral to realising true financial inclusion across Africa.

When everyone is able to access financial services we can foster inclusive growth, stimulate local economies and open up access to new markets and opportunities, connecting the continent through sustainable economic development.

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CNN African Voices Playmakers Profiles Wendy Shay



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This week’s edition of Glo-sponsored CNN African Voices Playmakers will feature Ghanaian singer, songwriter and musical innovator, Wendy Asiamah Addo, popularly called Wendy Shay.

Shay will delight viewers with the story of her journey to the top of her career as well as  her impact in her non-profit social engagements on the 30-minute magazine programme.

Born on February 20, 1996, Shay is a former nurse and midwife. She  plays a unique music style, which is a  blend of Afrobeats, highlife, and hiplife genres. Her hit albums include  “Uber Driver” and “Africa Money.”

She has performed at several events including Miss Ghana 2018 Finals, RTP Awards Africa 2018, BF Suma Ghana Connect 18 concert. In December 2019, she also performed at Ghana’s Afronation Music Festival.

Shay is brand ambassador for the Youth Employment Agency (YEA) in Ghana,  and has won the Best New Artiste of the Year at the Ghana-Naija Showbiz Awards amongst others.

An interesting time awaits viewers on the programme which will be aired  at  8.30 a.m. on Saturday. The edition will be repeated the same Saturday  at 12.00 p.m., on Sunday at 4.30 a.m. and  7.00 p.m. More repeats come on Monday at 4.00 a.m., on Saturday next week  at 8.30 a.m.,  12.00 p.m., and  on Sunday at 4.30 a.m. and 7.00 p.m. and at 4.00 a.m. on Monday.


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