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Don’t Blame Telcos for Data Depletion, NCC Explains How and Why



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Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC) has said that telecommunications companies are not blame for draining the data bundles of Nigerians.

Don’t Blame Telcos for Data Depletion, NCC Explains How and Why

The NCC through its Consumer Affairs Bureau (CAB), claimed that active background apps and malware are usually to blame.

This is against the backdrop of the legion of complaints from subscribers about fast data drainage from service providers such as MTN, Airtel, Globacom, and 9mobile.

However, the NCC on its official website highlighted several factors that could be responsible for rapid data exhaustion to include:

“Excessive usage: One of the main reasons for data depletion is excessive usage. If you use your phone to stream videos or music, download large files, or use data-intensive apps for a long time, your data limit can quickly be depleted.

Background apps: Some apps continue to consume data even when you’re not actively using them. Background data usage can quickly add up and deplete your data allowance.

“Automatic updates: Automatic updates for apps, operating systems, and other software can also use up a significant amount of data.

“Location services: GPS and other location services can consume a lot of data, especially if you use navigation apps like Google Maps.

“Advertisements: Some apps display ads that use data. These ads can consume data even if you don’t interact with them.

“Roaming: If you travel abroad and use your phone, you may be subject to data roaming charges, which can quickly add up and deplete your data allowance.

Malware: Malware and viruses can consume data without your knowledge. If you suspect that your phone has been infected, it’s important to remove the malware as soon as possible.”

The Commission also advised mobile users to disable location services for some specific apps as such services consume a lot of data.

For unsolicited advertisements, the telecom regulator advised the subscribers to install ad-blockers.

NCC also suggested connecting to Wi-Fi whenever possible for mobile subscribers to avoid using their cellular data. “You can connect to Wi-Fi at home, work, or in public places like cafes or libraries,” the Commission said.

NCC further advised that any subscriber who consistently runs out of data should consider upgrading to a larger data plan.




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Galaxy Backbone Bags Multiple ISO Certifications, Commits to Empowering Businesses to Thrive in the Digital Era



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Nigeria’s digital infrastructure solutions and services organization, Galaxy Backbone (GBB) has recently attained the global MSECB certifications in Management systems; the ISO 9001: 2015 standard – Quality Management Systems (QMS) and the ISO 22301:2019 standard – Business Continuity Management Systems (BCMS).

These certifications re-affirm the organization’s commitment to delivering exceptional and excellent services that enhance the sustainability and reliability of solutions provided to organizations by GBB.

In an era marked by rapid technological advancements, organizations need trusted partners driven by its commitment to provide world class services, like GBB to navigate the complexities of modern times.

With these latest certifications, GBB has further positioned itself as a reputable organization, that public and private sector organizations can rely on in their digital transformation and business sustainability journey.

According to, Professor Ibrahim A. Adeyanju, GBB’s Managing Director/CEO ‘these certifications re-affirm the commitment we have consistently made to our customers.

In his words; ‘we are excited about these certifications, we have earned, coming at a time when customers, stakeholders and the government are searching for organizations like ours to rebuild the confidence in the system. I am proud of everyone at GBB who worked hard to ensure we attained this height and who continuously work tirelessly to provide excellent services daily’.

The ISO 9001:2015 certification, highlights Galaxy Backbone’s dedication to providing high-quality services that consistently meet and exceed customer expectations. It also underscores the organization’s commitment to continuous improvement and customer satisfaction across all aspects of its operations.

On the other hand, the ISO 22301:2019 certification showcases GBB as that organisation committed to institutionalizing business continuity management system processes to enhance business sustainability and resilience.

This certification demonstrates GBB’s commitment to maintaining uninterrupted business operations, even during unexpected disruptions like natural disasters, cyber-attacks, or other emergencies.

Galaxy Backbone is the digital Infrastructure platform at the forefront of providing cutting-edge Cloud, Colocation, Connectivity and Cybersecurity solutions and services to organisations. The company is dedicated to fostering reliable partnerships with key stakeholders and service providers in expanding fibre connectivity across cities and local communities.

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Twisco Awards N1m to Winners of Spelling Geniuses Competition



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Twisco, known for “nourishing big dreams”, has successfully sponsored the third edition of the Spelling Genius competition.

L-r: Eminence Chika Onwuatuogu, a judge; Aderibigbe Emmanuel, Spelling Genius Champion; Emeka Onyejiaka, and Catherine Onyejiaka, both judges, at the presentation of mock cheque and trophy to the Spelling Genius competition winner.

The competition held recently at the SUBEB Multipurpose Hall, Maryland, Lagos, brought together over 1500 students and instructors from primary and secondary schools (state and private).

The contestants vied to showcase their spelling skills at the competition aimed to enhance vocabulary and spelling skills for successful learning.

Twisco awarded a total of ₦750,000 in prizes to the top three winners: ₦150,000 for the third place winner, ₦250,000 for the second place winner, and a grand prize of ₦350,000 for the first place winner.

Speaking to journalists at the event, Lillian Omorenuwa, the Brand Manager, Beverage Category at Promasidor Nigeria, said they are not only helping the children develop spelling skills and reading comprehension, but also bolstering their confidence and communication skills as well.

“At the heart of Twisco is empowering young minds; one word at a time. Yes. We have been doing this because the children are dear to us and we stand for their well-being”, Lillian added.

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MTN Foundation’s Odunayo Sanya Urges Private Sector to Join Forces for Better Healthcare in Nigeria



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Odunayo Sanya, Executive Director of MTN Foundation, has urged stakeholders in the healthcare industry to come together to address the skills gap and improve healthcare outcomes in Nigeria. Speaking at the CLI College graduation ceremony on May 25th, 2024, where she delivered the keynote speech, Sanya emphasised the need for collective action to bridge the skills gap in the healthcare industry.

“The private sector, including individuals and institutions, must collaborate to make a meaningful impact in our communities. We need to create an environment that fosters innovation, skills development and access to quality healthcare,” Sanya said.

She commended CLI College for its commitment to equipping healthcare professionals with the necessary skills and knowledge, saying, “I applaud CLI College for its dedication to addressing the critical need for qualified healthcare professionals in Nigeria. We need more institutions like this to accelerate progress in our healthcare sector.”

Sanya also highlighted the importance of strong institutions and policy consistency in driving economic development, saying, “Clear policies and good institution building are essential for growth and progress. We need to replicate this success in other sectors, including healthcare.”

Other stakeholders at the event also emphasised the need for collaboration and collective action to improve healthcare outcomes in Nigeria.

CLI Founder, Angela Chizea, Head of Health School, CLI College acknowledged the graduates’ dedication and emphasised the importance of education in shaping their futures. She also expressed gratitude to the college staff and supportive families who played a role in the graduates’ journeys.

“We acknowledge the critical role played by our college staff, whose tireless efforts and unwavering support have helped shape your journey. And to the families and loved ones who have supported our graduates every step of the way, we extend our heartfelt gratitude.” Mrs. Angela said.

MTN Foundation has invested in several critical intervention areas in Nigeria over the past 19 years, including national priorities like women empowerment, education and healthcare.

CLI College is a leading private career college in Nigeria offering diploma and certificate programs designed to prepare students for success in healthcare, business, technology and creative. Their focus on practical skills and flexible learning options empowers individuals to launch new careers or advance in their current fields.


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