
ACI, iSight Roll out Next-gen Case Management for Bank Fraud



ACI Worldwide, a provider of real-time electronic payment and banking solutions, and i-Sight, a provider of web-based investigative case management software, have partnered to deliver next-generation ACI Case Management.

According to a press release, the system helps organizations ensure the implementation of proper process controls and immediate access to relevant transaction, customer, and fraud data crucial to identifying, investigating, managing and reducing financial exposure, and mitigating direct and indirect fraud losses.

Case Management is part of the ACI’s UP Payments Risk Management solution, which supports both on-premises and cloud deployments. The solution features drag-and-drop reporting, optimized workflow rules and evidence management in a mobile-friendly platform.

With ACI Case Management powered by i-Sight, organizations can streamline the investigative workflow and rapidly create new cases, quickly manage tasks and easily conduct analysis, the release said.

The solution features a logical and structured workflow and new visualization tools and techniques to map out data, allowing businesses to identify patterns and trends and align actions with business strategy.

“Whether it’s antifraud controls or compliance cases, the need for organizations to easily manage investigations efficiently and on a timely basis is critical,” i-Sight CEO Joe Gerard said in the release.

“Our efficient workflow, convenient mobile access and lightning-fast reporting have saved our clients millions of hours on case management and investigations.

Now as part of ACI’s UP Payments Risk Management solution, organizations have a comprehensive approach for managing financial fraud and staying compliant.”

“Failing to comply with anti-money laundering and know-your-customer compliance issues can cost institutions tens of millions of dollars,” said ACI vice president of payments risk management Andreas Suma.

“With i-Sight, we can better serve and augment our clients’ compliance policies and practices to be consistent with regulations, address financial fraud, and ensure a better customer experience … “



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