Nigerian CommunicationWeek

Ambode, 100RC Kick-off Workshop with Key Officials to Launch ‘Resilient Lagos’

Akinwunmi Ambode, executive governor of Lagos State (l), receiving the certificate of admission into the group of 100 Resilient Cities network presented by Liz Agbor-Tabi, associate director, City and Practice Management, 100RC (r), while Michael Berkowitz, president of 100 Resilient Cities (m), observes, during the workshop held in Lagos on Wednesday.

100 Resilient Cities (100RC)- pioneered by The Rockefeller Foundation, and dedicated to building urban resilience in 100 cities around the world, has commenced workshop that brings together key stakeholders from government, the private sector, NGOS, civil society groups, and 100rc staff to develop Lagos’ “resilience strategy”

The City of Lagos, joined by 100 Resilient Cities – Pioneered by The Rockefeller Foundation (100RC), pledged commitment to undertake efforts to become more resilient to the shocks – catastrophic events like hurricanes, fires, and floods – and stresses, slow-moving disasters like water shortages, homelessness, and unemployment, which are increasingly part of 21st century life.

Lagos was named part of the 100RC network in 2016, along with cities like London, New York, Bangkok, and Buenos Aires – and was selected from more than 1,000 applicants from around the world.

100 Resilient Cities – Pioneered by The Rockefeller Foundation (100RC) helps cities around the world become more resilient to social, economic, and physical challenges that are a growing part of the 21st century. 100RC provides this assistance through: funding for a Chief Resilience Officer in each of our cities who will lead the resilience efforts; resources for drafting a Resilience Strategy; access to private sector, public sector, academic, and NGO resilience tools; and membership in a global network of peer cities to share best practices and challenges.

Speaking during the workshop which commenced on Wednesday in Lagos, Mr. Akinwunmi Ambode, executive governor of Lagos State said, “We are thrilled to formally begin our partnership with 100RC. Today’s workshop is the starting point for the creation of Lagos’ Resilience Strategy – a plan for our city to thrive in the face of growing challenges. Through this partnership, we will address our city’s challenges proactively, inclusively, and holistically.”

He added that the State Government is always open to new ideas, new technology and new methods. “Being a member of the 100 Resilient Cities will be beneficial to our State and would offer us more opportunities to access investment and partnerships that will foster massive infrastructural development over the next couple of years”, he added.

The Governor said that as a member of the 100 resilient Cities of the World, the State has a platform to compare notes with cities who have similar experiences, and create innovative and mitigating strategies.

“Lagos is helping fuel global momentum around building urban resilience, and leading by example,” said Michael Berkowitz, president of 100 Resilient Cities. “The agenda workshop will clarify the city’s needs, surface innovative thinking, and give us a blueprint for engaging partners from across sectors to bring Lagos the tools and resources needed to become more resilient.”

The “Resilience Agenda-Setting Workshop” is Lagos’ first engagement in their partnership with 100RC. The workshop brings a diverse set of stakeholders from across city government and the private sector, non-profits, NGO’s, academia, and civic groups into the planning process. It seeks to uncover all the threats the city is facing, including those previously unknown, while unveiling resilience building tools and plans to address those threats.

In the months following the workshop, Lagos will name a Chief Resilience Officer (CRO) – an innovative new position in city government.

The CRO, Liz Agbor-Tabi, associate director, City and Practice Management, 100RC, said, will lead the city’s resilience efforts and continue to engage those stakeholders, resilience experts, and 100RC staff in drafting a comprehensive Resilience Strategy.

Lagos was selected to the 100-city global network in May 2016 and will receive technical support and resources to develop and implement a Resilience Strategy.

Each city in the 100RC network receives four concrete types of support:

Financial and logistical guidance for establishing an innovative new position in city government, a Chief Resilience Officer, who will lead the city’s resilience efforts; technical support for development of a robust Resilience Strategy; access to solutions, service providers, and partners from the private, public and NGO sectors who can help them develop and implement their resilience strategies; and membership in a global network of member cities who can learn from and help each other.

Lagos’ Resilience Strategy will be a holistic, action-oriented plan to build partnerships and alliances, financing mechanisms, and will pay particular attention to meeting the needs of poor and vulnerable populations.

The workshop began the process of identifying priorities, actions, and metrics, and the plan will be drafted over the next year.


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