Nigerian CommunicationWeek

Ampion, Plutos Ventures Launch New Venture for Africa-focused Start-ups

Africa-focused Ampion and Berlin-based Plutos Ventures Holding announced the founding of Ampion Ventures.

The goal of the new project is to build scalable digital business models in selected African countries by providing seed capital and strategic expertise support. Plutos Ventures will provide Ampion Ventures with its first seed financing.

Ampion Ventures is led by Fabian-Carlos Guhl, founder of the non-profit organization Guhl has been working for years on the African continent with founders and early-stage start-ups.

Through his very successful start-up bus, with which he has travelled through more than 16 African countries and coached and supported founders in the development of digital business models, Guhl has been able to build up a large network of founders and start-ups in different African countries.

Together with Plutos, Ampion is now taking the next logical step to build digital business models in Africa.

“With Ampion it was our mission from the very beginning to initiate technological development in the African continent and thus contribute to the well-being of the African people and the continent’s economic development.

“Now is the right time to further develop our model and scale selected business models. With Plutos Ventures, we are pleased to have an experienced investor on board who will support us strategically in addition to providing capital,” said Fabian-Carlos Guhl, Managing Director Ampion Ventures GmbH.

“With Ampion and the start-up bus, Fabian and his team have demonstrated how strong their network is on the African continent and how immensely the will to found start-ups is there. Now, it is a matter of establishing true digital business models to support the development of the African economy,” Oliver Riebartsch, Managing Director Plutos Ventures GmbH.

Over the past six years, Ampion has supported over 80 start-ups in 16 African countries with the help of partners such as MTN, SAP, Merk, Microsoft and international development cooperation institutions.

One of the many success stories, for example, is the Nigerian fintech start-up, Accounteer, a smart cloud accounting platform that is now one of the leading accounting software systems in Nigeria and recently secured investment from Meltwater, a US investor.

The founder of Accounteer is Merijn Campsteyn and the co-founder Gbolade Emmanuel, an Ampion Alumnus who has turned his vision into reality and now co-leads one of Nigeria’s most successful tech start-ups.

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