Nigerian CommunicationWeek

And the World is Shrinking

An often trotted out phrase – is that of the world today being a ‘Global village’…

What is meant by this is that where once we resided, both in actions, thoughts, interactions, relationships (commercial, social and/or religious) and engagement – within our immediate, geographical, social and relative circles and environment – now we are dispersed, far-flung in our travels, search for knowledge, betterment, riches, love; – you name it.

We are also by our very nature (to varying levels of effectiveness of interaction), brought into contact with others of different values, cultures understandings, awareness, consciousness.

And through these interactions – we acquire (not ‘gain’; more about that later) knowledge, new experiences, insights, exposure – and that most valued of modern-day ‘currency’, Knowledge Capital…

That is not to mention those, who for whatever reason(s), – be they social, knowledge, business and commercial reasons – have sought us out – either in our own country, or to wherever we have pitched up all over the world.

So, how do we connect, communicate, and share with others, this wealth of knowledge, opportunity – and new insight…?


We are social creatures, human beings – we need to communicate, share, interact…

In meeting that biological, DNA-based need, we generate a drive to provide, share, review and respond to (or apply) information.

We do this in a variety of ways and media that has been afforded this (in varying degrees – depending on where we are, what is available and accessible – and what we can afford)…

– Mobile communications – spread of GPRS & 3G platforms, infrastructure and services by Mobile Network Operator’s to coincide with the growing proliferation of similar level devices, PDAs and phones by the increasingly (albeit slowly) sophisticated demands and expectations of their existing and new subscriber base…. reflects the change in strategy in terms of growing subscribers from the incumbent voice-based revenues to more data- and services-based models for revenue growth and customer acquisition and increasingly important – retention.

Internet platforms for sharing between peoples widely dispersed… E.g.: On-line portals, Web-enabled services and applications, eCommerce sites, Social network sites – text, updates, jokes, pictures, comments, opinions, concerns, goods and services, advice, information…

Broadcast – witness the growing spread of Nollywood film & movie content on various UK & US Pay-TV and the education (or information) provided to others (non-Nigerians) as to the culture, hopes, lifestyles, aspirations of the Nigerian people.

As to its truth – how really ‘reflective’ is it of the ‘Nigerian way of Life’…? Well, let’s just say that neither Hollywood nor Bollywood – the other dominant film & TV genres that have gone before it, truly reflect the societies and communities they came out of – nor should they be taken as a full-poster ad for those societies.

However, they do provide a form of insight, a sometimes colourful presentation of what is possible, on offer and the richness of the Nigerian spirit, energy drive and passion – however that may manifest itself… (We are, like all others, human after all…)

So, there we have it – the various forms of [mass] communication technology available – be they at home or abroad…

With mobile being the most pervasive, accessible and mobile (by it is very nature ); internet being the most interactive, resilient in data capacity, delivery capability and interactivity, not to mention [TV] broadcast being the most visually stimulating, interactive and evocative in its own right, any individual, community, organisation or enterprise seeking to reach this audience has a rich variety of tools at its disposal to communicate, reach and influence its target and intended audience…

In Europe (the UK particularly) and North American markets at the moment, convergence has been the buzz word for past 4 – or 5 years, with organisations from Media broadcasters, MNOs and publishing houses increasing (via growth, acquisitions, mergers, joint ventures, etc.) the range of tools and Communication platforms by which they are able to offer their services, reach their customers – and add revenues and profits to their bottom line…

Convergence is the technology-driven Strategy of combining various communication technology platforms and Content Delivery mechanisms under on enterprise (more often ‘branding’ – witness VirginMedia in the UK) umbrella.

The premise behind the logic has been simple – the more tools we have to reach the increasingly segmented and niche markets that the previously homogenous market had broken down into, the more effective and ‘in context’ the presentation of our offerings and revenues – and thus the more productive and relevant it is to the client/user/subscriber/viewer – and thus generates revenues and profits to us.

So … what tool do we use – and how best do we use it…?



is a technologist, Business strategist and Principal of MediaMango. MediaMango is a leading Media Content Aggregator & Distributor with its focus on the delivery of African–desired and derived content to the principal markets of Sub Saharan Africa, Europe & North America to service the African Diaspora populations & demographics. With a wealth of experience and expertise in the broadcast, media and ICT industries, MediaMango operates a multi-platform and convergence strategy model, leveraging capability, expertise, consultancy and content capability on Mobile, Internet and Broadcast platforms and channels.

Ekanem also blogs, http://fifthcapital,,

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