
Chams to Provide Tech Solutions to NAPAAS



Chams Plc has been appointed as the technology solution provider to the National Personal Asset Acquisition Scheme (NAPAAS), which allows military pensioners to acquire assets through a private-public partnership.

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NAPAAS is an initiative of President Muhammadu Buhari for ex-servicemen, enabling them to access economic empowerment through public-private partnership initiatives.

The NAPAAS’ plan is consistent with the Federal Government’s palliative action to alleviate poverty, create jobs and eliminate insecurity.

The scheme was also designed to provide basic items at affordable discounted rates linked to a structured and flexible repayment plan for the benefit of interested veterans nationwide. Members could then use the various assets to generate business and related income.

It also has capacity to provide access to health and other insurance, mortgage plans and personal loans among others.

Chams worked with NAPAAS to automate its asset acquisition scheme providing a robust, integrated, secure and multi-channelled asset acquisition platform online and via mobile app. The automation included key processes and end-to-end transactions with minimal human intervention.

Gavin Young, group managing director, Chams Plc, said the NAPAAS platform was designed for simplified and automated registration, asset discovery, application, approval, collections, monitoring and reporting of activities.

He noted that the application was simple and flexible and was imbued with artificial intelligence features, including liveness detection and face matching.

“Military pensioners are the ultimate beneficiaries of the platform, ensuring they can acquire goods and services at affordable rates, linked to a structured and automated repayment plan. As the technology partner to NAPAAS and its esteemed members, our aim is to assist with fulfilling the vision of the scheme, which enables military service pensioners acquire personal basic assets with ease through the NAPAAS customer technology platform, designed with NAPAAS and developed by Chams Plc,” Young said.





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