
Customers Reaffirm Confidence in Union Bank



Customers and opinion leaders in the South Eastern States of the Federation have re-affirmed their confidence and loyalty to Union Bank of Nigeria Plc, believing that the recent Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) intervention would make it bigger, stronger and more reliable.
Emissaries comprising Peter Aliogo, deputy general manager (marketing) and Emeka Ezekwem, deputy general manager (corporate banking group – general) represented Funke Osibodu, Group managing Director/ Chief Executive, Union Bank Plc on the visits to customers and personalities to re-assure them that the bank is well positioned to serve them better.
Chief Chukwuma Azikiwe, Owelle of Onitsha said that banking is about people and Union Bank has got the right people, pointing out that “if you decapitate the top management of some organizations”, they would rapidly go into disarray, but Union Bank had what it takes to weather the storm.
The Owelle commended the agricultural financing policy of the bank, emphasizing that whatever reorganization and restructuring that the bank may make should not compromise its agricultural financing.
Chief John Nwodo Jnr, former minister of information, noted that the bank had a reputation of partnering with its customers. Nwodo averred that his loyalty to the bank was unshakable. “Whatever problems you have in the recent past, is just a little set-back that would refocus your management to have a major leap because all the fundamentals that make a good bank are on your side.  You have a strong asset base, wide clientele and you have a very wide branch network and so your fundamentals are very good,” he enthused.
Also in Enugu State, the Igwe of Nike, Igwe Julius Nnaji, said that his family and the Enugu Community had indepth attachment to Union Bank.  He recalled the exceptional role played by the bank in his community and said that no true son of Nnaji would do without banking with Union Bank.  He said that the visit had re-enforced his confidence to continue with Union Bank, commending the tremendous support which the Bank had been giving to the economy through its agricultural financing schemes.
Similarly, Rt. Rev. C.C. Okorocha, the Bishop of Owerri, Anglican Communion and State President of Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN), through his Chaplain, Rev. Canon Zion Ngoka said that he had re-assured his parishioners about the strong financial fundamentals of Union Bank. 
The emissaries posited that the on-going Savings Bonanza had been extended in order to reward more customers for their loyalty and support.  The officials also noted that Union Bank had ethical procedures for granting loans as long as the customers satisfied laid down criteria.




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