
Digital Encode: Pioneering Effective Cybersecurity Response to Attacks in Nigeria



International Telecommunications Union (ITU) in its global cybersecurity index (GCI) 2020 ranks Nigeria 47th among countries tackling cybercrimes headlong.

The index disclosed that countries are working to improve their cyber safety despite the challenges of COVID-19 and the rapid shift of everyday activities into the digital sphere.

Despite notable improvements, gaps in cyber capacity persist, according to ITU. The GCI revealed that many countries and regions lag in key areas.

These include cybersecurity skills training, which must be tailored to the needs of citizens, micro-, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs); finance, healthcare, energy, and other key sectors, which require dedicated measures to close cybersecurity gaps; critical infrastructure protection, which requires enhancement to meet new and evolving cyber threats and Individual data protection, which requires continual reinforcement as online activity expands.

In Nigeria one company has distinguished itself in providing effective strategy in addressing issues in the key sectors that ITU report identified and that company is Digital Encode.

Digital Encode is a leading consulting and integration firm founded in 2003 that specializes in the design, management, and security of business-critical networks, telecommunications environments and other Information Technology (IT) infrastructures.

Recognized in the industry for its vendor independent perspective, the firm’s expertise lies in solving multifaceted, complex enterprise network security and audit problems.

At Digital Encode, technology serves two purposes: to save money and solve a problem. Digital Encode also provides advisory services toward improvements in Information Security Management, Network Security, Vulnerability Management, Penetration Testing, Computer Forensics, Risk Management and Business Continuity Management.

Digital Encode’s unique methodology is rooted in the concept that a company should run its IT organization as a business. Throughout the well -defined process, Digital Encode translates strategic business objectives into sound, achievable technology solutions. This approach ensures that the technology never obscures the business goals.

Digital Encode has managed several projects for banks in the country among them included penetration testing and vulnerability assessments for PCIDSS certifications.

It has also assisted many organisations to deliver ISO 27001:13 certification which is a testament to their teamwork, focus, drive and will to succeed.

Recently, Digital Encode got licensed under the Data Protection Compliance Organisations (DPCO) by the National Information Technology Development Agency (NITDA).

With the development, Digital Encode is recognised by NITDA to provide training, auditing, and consulting services throughout the country in line with the Nigeria Data Protection Regulation (NDPR) principles.

Among the objectives behind the regulation were the protection of the privacy rights and freedoms of Nigerian citizens, on the one hand and the promotion of local and foreign investments in the digital economy by safeguarding the information systems infrastructure against breaches and implementing internationally compatible rules.

As a DPCO, Digital Encode is expected to verify self-audits prior to submission to NITDA. This is a means of decentralising compliance activities for more efficiency.

Dr. Peter Adewale Obadare, Co-founder and Chief Operating Officer of Digital Encode, who is also the Director of Governance, Risk and Compliance at Digital Encode, said as a Pan-African cyber security, the company would continue to keep assisting individuals and businesses protect their information assets.

Dr. Seyi Akindeinde, Chief Technical Officer of Digital Encode, said the license would remain a testament to Digital Encode’s unique methodology rooted in the concept of professionalism.

Akindeinde added that while assisting companies to achieve the data protection goals through a well-defined secure process, Digital Encode would continue to translate strategic business objectives into sound, achievable technology solutions.

Digital Encode Cyber security Efforts in Nigeria

Dr. Wale Obadare and Dr. Oluseyi Akindeinde, both founders of Digital encode have expressed worries over the implementation of none impactful cyber security solutions to organizations by vendors which has resulted in increased loss of money and data by organizations.

They cautioned organisations on over dependence on cyber security products for protection against cyber-attacks.

Obadare, further said that major challenge organizations face in the fight against cybercriminal and cyber warfare is lack of trained manpower.

“I have been in cyber security ecosystem for many years now and have identified lack of trained manpower in most organizations. Cyber security is not a certificate that speaks for you, but a continuous training to be ahead of the smart criminals. Most organizations find it difficult to continually update their IT security staff to be able to face cyber threats,” he said.

Akindeinde, emphasized on the need for a national cyber security framework against industry specifics frameworks.

“There are a number of frameworks aimed at assisting most organizations in preventing cyber attacks. A prime example is the ISO 27001 ISMS. A more specific one for the financial / payments sector is the PCI DSS. This is a regulatory framework. I think it’s a case of the level of maturity of cybersecurity in the banking sector. Other sectors have not got to that advanced stage of maturity which is why the banks seem to be at the forefront of preventing and addressing issues related to Cybersecurity,” he said.


Digital Encode has  been conferred with several awards in recognition its efforts in pioneering effective cybersecurity strategy in Nigeria and Africa as well as its quality-driven operations and global best practice standards in Information Security Management and Compliance Advisory ecosystem among them included; the ‘Africa’s Most Innovative Quality Cyber-Security Consulting  Company’ by  African Quality Institute.

At the 11th edition of Beacon of ICT awards 2020, Digital Encode was inducted in the Beacon of ICT Hall of Fame as the Cybersecurity Company of the Year of the Decade as well as Compliancy Advisory Company of the Year of the Decade.

Nigeria CommunicationsWeek, organisers of the award said that Digital Encode is the only Nigerian Cybersecurity company to have been inducted into the Hall of Fame.

More so, the company’s founders Dr. Wale Obadare and Dr. Seyi Akindeinde, at the same edition of the award in addition to emerging as Nigeria CommunicationsWeek Man of the Year 2020 were also inducted into the individual category of the Beacon of ICT Hall of Fame as Cybersecurity Personalities of the Decade.

The organisers described Digital Encode efforts in the country’s Cyber-Security ecosystem’s and emergence in its award categories as “Digital Encode’s consistency in placing high premium on quality in all areas of its operations.”



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