Nigerian CommunicationWeek

E-conext Identifies 10 Top Online Courses for Future Jobs

The ever-evolving job place, with growing access to the internet has driven E-conext to take a critical look at the nature of work, employment search and online education. The e-learning platform recently identified online courses which will help develop new skill sets and alleviate poverty with global opportunities to work from home in companies like Facebook, Amazon in Europe and America while in Nigeria.

Online learning is a form of distance education that uses the internet to promote interaction between students and content, teachers, and other students. E-conext provides top courses ranging from content writing to digital marketing, emotional intelligence, programming, data entry, software development, supply chain, networking and internet security, customer relationship management and safety health.

During an interactive session, Kennedy Ugege, Principal Consultant of Jungu Media and E-conext partner in Nigeria, sheds more light on different courses which are delivered via blogs, podcast, webinars, online chats, discussion boards and virtual study jams:

– Content writing involves producing documents that are suited to the requirements, comprehension level, and background of its readers. The course trains participants how to avoid common writing pitfalls, and structure your writing effectively.

– Digital Marketing provides goals and methods so you can plan the best strategy and mix for different organizations. It surveys a variety of methods and tools for reaching customers at every stage of their decision-making process, with a focus on social media marketing.

– Emotional Intelligence explores the power of emotions and the concept of emotional intelligence via discussions of competencies in the areas of self-awareness, self-management, empathy, and relationship management.

– Programming on various levels of Java Programming for beginners, intermediate and advanced participants. The course is just as helpful for a beginner as it is for systems engineers, web application developers, mobile app developers, software engineers and other potential student with a technical background.

– Data Entry basically teaches the act of entering information into electronic formats by using word processing or data processing software.

– Software Development looks at the common set of methodologies used when creating programs with a variety of programming languages. Here you will explore how to create programs, what decision structures are, and identify the basics of object-oriented programming.

–  Supply Chain demonstrates to consumers the suppliers and sub-contractors that companies engage vis-à-vis favorable human rights practices. The course also sheds more light on corporate social responsibility in this context, confronting exploitation in labor and supply chains against human trafficking activities.

– Networking and Internet Security is the concept of network architecture bringing together network devices, services, models, cabling, topologies and the different WAN technologies to configure network services such as DHCP and DNS.

– Customer Relationship Management helps professional workers find better ways to manage and grow their business while training others to effectively utilize the features of a Free CRM software.

– Health & Safety provides an in depth guide to the responsibilities of employers and employees at work and everyone in the workplace.

The E-conext platform parades a diverse and multinational team of experts across the globe with the central hub in Zurich, Switzerland. The online platform has a software group with over 20 years of industry experience and a client base spanning more than 10 countries on a month-by-month increase.

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