Living venture has unveiled a family online platform aimed at addressing some of the challenges in the family such as marriage, job among others.
The portal according to Pastor Bisi Adewale, founder family lifers “the thoughts of helping solve many of our nation’s problems were the propelling force behind creating this website and its applications.
“The platform will help in wealth creation and eliminate unemployment as the platform will provide employment opportunities. The platform will also empower young people and families. It will keep the youth busy and reduce crime rates. It will help parents in raising better children for society”.
He stated that the new platform will also give room for young Nigerians to interact and showcase their skills, products and services at no cost. “It will also be an avenue for unemployed graduates to be linked with employers of labour as they upload their CVs on the platform.
“With the mission of helping the young ones, reducing the crime rate and building families in mind, with the vision of seeing all youth in Nigeria living responsible lives, gainfully employed, building a very strong nation.
“The whole world has been in turmoil in the last year due to health challenges and deaths that came with the problem of COVID-19. Our nation is even worse for it. We battled so many things at the same time from high crime rate to poverty, unemployment, divorce, wife battering, abandonment, violence in marriage, depression, kidnapping, banditry, child sexual abuse, suicides, and violence against women. Just to mention a few.
“Seeing the present state of the nation, we need to pay attention to our young people, and help them grow to full potential and responsible adults who can join in nation-building.
Nigeria has one of the largest numbers of young people in the world. We can’t sit down without helping these young ones to become better personalities. In their annual report, the World Bank tracks the percentage of each country’s population within 0 – 14 years of age. Among the countries with a high population of children are Nigeria, Afghanistan, and Uganda.
“A new report from the World Health Organization (WHO) revealed that: ‘’A third of all women experience physical or sexual violence at some point in their lives.”
Adewale quoted WHO as saying that the coronavirus pandemic had increased women’s exposure to violence. “Its report says partner violence is by far the most prevalent. It affects over 640 million women worldwide. South Asia, sub-Saharan Africa, and Oceania have the highest levels of partner violence.
“It has never been this bad for our nation’s history. Many heads are bowed, lots of lives have been lost, and lots of people are hurt, hungry, sad and hopeless.
“Since the problems of our nation are multi-facet. The solutions to the present state of our nation must also be multidimensional. That is why we can’t leave it for the government alone to do. All hands must be on deck to protect the ship from wrecking.
We discovered that one of the best ways to solve the problem of our nation is using the power of science and technology. That is why we are launching a platform that will bring a solution to many of our nation’s problems,” he said.
Mrs. Yomi Adewale, cofounder of Family Lifers, noted that the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic is not a small deal on the citizens in any way as it has increased challenges faced by families, especially our youths and young adults who are the future of our nation and tomorrow’s leaders.
“The current unemployment rate of 27.1% (National Bureau of Statistics, Q2 2020) implies an increase in the poverty level in many families. Many youths are out of jobs beyond gender, geographical or educational biased reasons.
“It is on these premises that the initiative of creating an online platform was built to address structural and practical challenges faced by our youth today.
It’s a laudable idea as this will collaborate and support the efforts of the government to curb the rate of unemployment among our youths,” she added.