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Global Coalition Formed to Make Smartphones Affordable Worldwide



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A new global coalition made up of the World Bank Group, the ITU and the WEF Edison Alliance have been formed to drive innovative solutions to boost handset affordability for some of the world’s poorest populations.

Global Coalition Formed to Make Smartphones Affordable Worldwide

According to GSMA, the coalition will collaborate to improve access to affordable internet-enabled devices to close the ‘Usage Gap’, which holds back around three billion people worldwide from maximising their potential in the global digital economy.

Mobile remains the primary – and often only – way people in Low- and Middle-Income Countries (LMICs) access the internet, accounting for 84% of broadband connections in 2023.

Yet three billion people – 38% of the world’s population – live in areas covered by mobile internet but do not use it due to barriers, including digital literacy and skills, lack of relevant content, online safety and access. Handset affordability is often recognised as the most significant barrier to get people online.

The new coalition will assess multiple ‘levers’ to reduce the cost of entry into the digital economy for low-income populations, with particular focus on LMICs and areas where handset affordability presents the highest barrier to getting online, such as in Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia.

By exploring new solutions including ‘de-risking’ financing mechanisms, with the support of the World Bank Group, the coalition will enhance and complement ongoing efforts to expand digital access and affordability.

Going forward, the GSMA will continue to facilitate close collaboration between coalition members to share learnings, asses, and deploy tailored innovative models that can effectively narrow the usage gap.

Mats Granryd, director general of the GSMA, said: “Mobile has helped billions of people worldwide to play an active role in our increasingly digital world, but the cost of entry can still be too high for many on low incomes. Together with global mobile operators, and the support of the World Bank Group and other key coalition members, we’re determined to act on this issue.”

“By building creative solutions to bring mobile internet into the hands of those who need it the most, we believe we can make real strides towards closing the Usage Gap and help millions more maximise their potential by getting online.”

Guangzhe Chen, vice president for Infrastructure from the World Bank said: “Making internet connected devices more affordable is critical to accelerating digitalization in developing countries and ensuring no one is left behind.

“We’ve seen the power of digital technologies to unlock growth and job creation and to ease access to education and health services, but people must first be connected to make this a reality. This coalition brings together key players across industry and the development community to help bring this aspiration to life.”

Doreen Bogdan-Martin, secretary general of the ITU added: “In an age of unimaginable digital opportunities, devices are still out of reach for too many. With the 2025 Broadband Commission affordability target on the horizon, this new global coalition is an excellent complement to the work of the Commission’s Working Group on Smartphone Access.

It has the power to accelerate affordability and bring us one step closer to universal meaningful connectivity, a cornerstone of ITU’s mission and our digital future.”

The announcement of the Handset Affordability Coalition represents a tangible commitment from the mobile industry towards tackling the most substantial barrier to mobile adoption worldwide, and is backed by the GSMA’s Breaking Barriers campaign, which calls for greater focus and collaboration between governments and the mobile industry to address the multiple challenges holding back individuals from getting online.



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NIN-SIM Linkage: Protest Not Why MTN, Glo, Airtel and 9mobile Bar Subscribers’ Lines



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Telecommunication operators in Nigeria, particularly MTN, Globacom, Airtel and 9mobile have started barring subscribers’ lines.

Investigation on Sunday shows that the telcos’ actions are based on the disconnection timelines set by the industry regulator to bar subscribers who are yet to link a national identification number (NIN) to their Subscriber Identity Module (SIM) card(s).

Result of the investigation is contrary to the claims in some quarters that the telcos are barring subscribers’ lines as part of government’s agenda to scuttle the proposed national protests.

The history of NIN-SIM linkage dates back to 2020

You would recall that mobile networks based on a December 2023 directive from the Nigerian Communication Commission (NCC) had barred subscribers who had not submitted their NINs for verification as of February 28, 2024.

In addition, a second set of subscribers with five or more SIM whose NINs failed verification were also fully barred on March 29, 2024.

There have been several deadlines given in the past on the cut-off date for SIM cards not linked to NINs, the last deadline for July 31, 2024 was planned to be definitive as shown from the strict adherence to the previous deadlines in February and March this year. This decision was reached long before the planned protests.

The telecom regulator had embraced a phased SIM barring approach, as the directive for disconnection is being rolled out in stages.

The compulsory NIN-SIM linkage began in December 2020 when the government directed telecommunication companies to block calls from unregistered SIM cards and SIMs that are not linked to NIN.

Despite the extension of deadlines, many phone lines are yet to be linked with verified NINs.

Three years later, the issue of SIM-NIN linkage continues to have hitches, especially from the behavioural side of telecom consumers.

The Commission had set April 15, 2024, for the full network barring of the subscribers with four or fewer SIMs with unverified NIN details.

This deadline was moved by NCC to July 31, 2024, to give telecommunications consumers more time to ensure their submitted NIN details are properly verified.

The date of July 31, 2024, was set as the last date since April in well-publicised news and notices by the NCC.

Why NCC insists on NIN-SIM linkage

The NCC’s seemingly hard-line position hinged on its objective to clean the country’s SIM ownership database and enhance national security.

At a forum in Lagos, long before the planned nationwide protests, Dr. Aminu Maida, the executive vice chairman of NCC, expressed NCC’s commitment to ensuring that criminals do not take advantage of having multiple unlinked SIMs to carry out their nefarious activities.

Not linked to Planned National Protests

A source at the Ministry of Communications, Innovation and Digital Economy, disagreed with social media users who accused the telcos of being used by the government to scuttle the planned national protests.

“This accusation about MTN or others barring people from its network is unfair, mischievous, and dangerous.

“Other networks have been disconnecting subscribers based on the extant policy in this regard. Airtel, Glo, and 9mobile, Smile Communications, VDT, etc., have been disconnecting non-compliant consumers, long before planned protests”.

“The NCC is considering extending the deadline against its wish, but that idea also came long before the scheduled protests.

“Nigerians need to demonstrate that they can reason and recall incidents and social issues and not allow themselves to be misled by those who are bent on bringing Nigeria down.

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Ikechukwu Nnamani, CEO Digital Realty Inducted into Titans of Tech Hall of Fame



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Engr. Ikechukwu Nnamani, ceo of Digital Realty was inducted into the prestigious Titans of Tech Hall of Fame at the 20th anniversary of the awards ceremony held in Lagos last week. Recognized for his exceptional contributions to Nigeria’s ICT sector, Nnamani was celebrated as a pioneer in bridging the digital divide.

Group photograph of Engr Ikechukwu Nnamani with digital Realty team at the event.

Group photograph of Engr Ikechukwu Nnamani with digital Realty team at the event.

The Titans of Tech Awards, often referred to as the “ICT industry Oscars,” annually honors industry leaders for their outstanding achievements. Nnamani’s induction is a testament to his instrumental role in shaping Nigeria’s digital landscape.

“Engr. Ikechukwu Nnamani is a visionary who has transformed the ICT industry. His dedication to building a robust digital infrastructure has been instrumental in driving Nigeria’s economic growth and development,” said Don Pedro Aganbi, Convener of the Titans of Tech Awards.

Nnamani’s leadership at Digital Realty has been pivotal in establishing the company as Africa’s leading data center platform. With over 70 connectivity providers and 68% of traffic flowing through the Internet Exchange Point of Nigeria, Digital Realty has become a cornerstone of the country’s digital ecosystem.

In addition to the Hall of Fame induction, Digital Realty was also awarded the ‘Global Data Centre Platform of the Year’ award. This recognition underscores the company’s commitment to delivering world-class data center solutions to its clients.

As Nnamani looks ahead, he remains focused on expanding Digital Realty’s infrastructure and driving digital innovation across Nigeria. By providing affordable and reliable connectivity, he aims to empower businesses and individuals to thrive in the digital age.

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Omoniyi Kolade, CEO of SeerBit Appeals for Unified Payment System to Boost Intra-African Trade



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Omoniyi Kolade, CEO of SeerBit has called for implementation of a Unified Payment System (UPS) throughout Africa in order to promote financial inclusion, ease economic integration, and foster sustainable growth throughout the region.

Omoniyi Kolade, CEO of SeerBit

Kolade made the call during a media parley session at SeerBit office on Thursday, in Lagos.

According to him, Africa’s financial ecosystem is characterized by a plethora of payment systems, each operating in isolation, he added that this fragmentation hampers cross-border trade, increases transaction costs, and limits the efficiency of financial services.

“With 54 countries and multiple currencies, the complexity of financial transactions often deters businesses and individuals from engaging in cross-border activities.

“A UPS would streamline these processes, making transactions seamless and more cost-effective,” he advised.

For the meantime, the CEO disclosed that SeerBit has come up with payment solutions for the 54 countries in Africa, with 54 different currencies. “We have come up with payment options for these markets to ensure that customers are not differentiated and that they have several payment options.” he added.

On security, Kolade said SeerBit had put in place robust security features that ensure customers’ funds are safe. “We are Payment Card Industry (PCI) compliance certified,” he stated.

Speaking on the goal of SeerBit, Kolade said, “Our goal is to make businesses grow and keep growing. We are not just creating payment solutions; we are also ensuring that your businesses grow as well. We want to build a platform that actually supports everything that has to do with value movement in the market, and we build products to actually meet different stakeholders in different markets.”

In the same vein, the product marketing manager, SeerBit, Uju Akinlolu, disclosed that SeerBit operates in over 10 African countries, adding that the payment platform enables the use of all the relevant local payment methods, with collections and payouts in local African currencies, and facilitating cross border settlement in currency of choice.

“With a single API Integration, you seamlessly expand into over 10 African countries allowing you to grow your business operations. With strategic partnerships, zero tolerance for error and stern compliance practices, we work to ensure seamless transactions.

“Our customers are at the heart of our operations and we work closely with you to ensure the highest level of customer satisfaction. Our solutions are built for flexibility, so they can power any payment process and integrate into any Enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems,” Akinlolu further disclosed.

SeerBit is a payment gateway which helps businesses in Africa collect and manage payments to unlock latent potential and provide value to their customers.

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