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GSM Service Nine Years After



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Some 9 years ago Nigerians were looking forward to the dawn of a new era in view of the license granted to three operators then to render services at the 900MHz frequency spectrum with Global System for Mobile (GSM) communications technology.
This month of August marks Nine years since the country began the liberalization of telecommunications industry through adoption of this technology as a means of providing Nigerians communications tools.
The Nigerian telecommunications industry since then has experience significant growth, following the successful takeoff of the digital mobile telephone services, using GSM technology, from less than 500,000 active fixed telephone lines provided by Nigerian Telecommunications Limited (Nitel) and very few Private Telephone Operators (PTOs) as at mid 2001, to a population of over 120 million, the total number of connected fixed and mobile telephone lines increased to about 76 million both active and inactive lines early this year.
However the entrance of the GSM technology brought about such a revolutionary transformation that millions of Nigerians with no access to telecommunications now clutch mobile phones in their hands. It is common sight to see traders, fish sellers, hawkers, motorcycle riders among others using mobile phones. The staggering number of subscribers on three major GSM networks of MTN, Globacom, Zain and Etisalat as Nigeria celebrates nine years of operations of this technology, is a testimony to the hunger of Nigerians for communications.
It is clear that Nigeria cannot celebrate the growth recorded in the communications sphere without acknowledging the contributions of Engr. Ernest Ndukwe, immediate past executive vice chairman of the Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC). Ndukwe has over the years emerged as the face of GSM in Nigeria through his transparent handling of the regulatory affairs of the telecoms sector.
Since February of 2001 when he supervise the auctioning of GSM license in the country, he conducted the affairs of the regulatory functions of the commission in such a way that other countries in Africa now come to Nigeria to understudy the regulatory processes that has seen the sector emerge as the largest and fastest growing in Africa and the 3rd fastest growth in the world.
Several research firms across the globe have commended the Nigerian government and Ndukwe, as one of the most sought-after telecom resource persons in the industry in Africa for an effective transparent and foreign investment attracting regimes in the continent. In spite of the challenges in the quality service characterized by drop calls, Ndukwe’s startling qualities as a regulator of note is still intact.
However, NCC had taken several measures to tackle the issues of quality service. One of the ways the NCC has shown that it was serious in tackling issues of quality of service was in the area of enforcing its regulatory powers to stop operators from further promos that has been a major cause of network congestion witnessed few years ago. By that action, the NCC sent a massage that no operator is above the law and that they must conform to measures that will save the sector from further deterioration due to their poor service delivery. The commission had also procured equipment that enables it monitor congestion and service quality of the various networks in the country, and therefore periodically publishes network performance of operators.
It also ensured that operators paid their subscribe compensation for poor quality of service experience on the network.
In the last nine years, since the GSM revolution started in the country, a lot of benefits have been enjoyed by the Nigerian subscriber who was hitherto at the mercy of the almost nonexistent but epileptic service rendered by the Nigerian Telecommunications (Nitel). Since then, the monopoly of non effective service rendered by Nitel has been broken and communication across regions enhanced by GSM thus encouraging the socio economic growth of the nation. It is an indubitable fact that effective communication is crucial and cannot be overemphasized in the socio economic development of a nation. With a teledensity presently below 65% and a subscriber base of 76 million as at the end of April, one could say that a feat has been achieved by the GSM revolution in connecting Nigerians to a critical service given the fact that before the advent of GSM, teledesity was less than 4% and only about five hundred thousand Nigerians had access to telephony service in a nation of over a hundred million people.
Then having a telephone was a class issue and only the rich could afford the luxury and the muscle to withstand the stress of Nitel technicians who used to hold subscribers to ransom at every little opportunity. Then it was common sight to see the technicians asking for ladder, cables and all sorts to fix a line anytime a problem arises, it was indeed a nightmare. One could easily recall the stress of keeping vigil at the office of Nitel in a bid to make calls and be confronted with the common problem of no tone come back tomorrow and so on. But thanks to president Obasanjo and the coming of GSM all that is now history.
The GSM revolution has indeed contributed over 80 percent of $18 billion foreign direct investment. It has also stimulated local investment and increased job opportunities. It is common scene in urban areas as well as rural areas where there is coverage for young men and women sitting under an umbrella provided for them by GSM operators making calls for people at a token. This umbrella call centre initiative is today providing food to greater percentage of unemployed Nigerians, aside this are others who are trading in recharge cards and other products of GSM operators.
The benefit of GSM technology is enormous and still increasing as it gets expanded, we may not easily forget that Nigerians are now turning to GSM engineers, and there are young countrymen and women who eke out their living through repair of mobile handsets.
The popular Otigba computer village is no longer computer village in its sense as the sales of mobile handset has almost taken over business at the market.
The revolution has also indirectly stimulated development and vibrancy of some sectors of the economy, such sectors are leveraging on the technology deployed by GSM operators to provide services to their customers.
A case in point is the banking sector which gives customers the opportunity to monitor and carry out transactions on the move through their mobile phones. Automated teller machines (ATM) deployed by banks are working with the help of GSM General package radio service (GPRS) deployed by operators.
There has been an increased turnover for advertising and marketing communication services basically because of the GSM operators that use the channel often times to reach their subscribers during campaign for more subscribers.
In spite of the benefits, Nigerians are enjoying from the advert of GSM technology, the operators are not finding it a world of roses in rendering services. The much talked about poor quality of services is a function of weak infrastructure base; operators have been powering their equipment with generators which are not the case in most environments. This is attributed to inefficient public power system.
Nigeria CommunicationsWeek investigations revealed that the four major operators in this space, MTN, Glomobile, Zain and Etisalat are powering their over 22,000 base transceiver stations with 44,000 generators. They are also providing security for their equipment which has not deterred unscrupulous Nigerians from stealing these generators and diesel. Operators are losing an average of two generators daily and over a million litres of diesel to theft. This is indeed a huge lost to bear by operators.
There is also the problem of area boys. One of the operators has had to shut down one of its sites in Lagos due to incessant demand of huge settlement by area boys. In the Niger Delta area, one of the operators reported that over 30 of its sites have become inaccessible due to activities of militant youths, who have refused them to refuel or maintain the sites except they parted with huge sum of money. It is unfair on the GSM operators, who unlike the oil companies are not taking any natural resources but are building telecommunications infrastructure around the country.
Operators are also faced with multiple taxation imposed on their equipment by different tiers of government, Abuja Capital Development Authority had sometime imposed N3 million annual fee on each base station in the metropolis. More so Association of Licensed Telecommunications Operators of Nigerian (Alton), the umbrella body of the telecom operators, are in count with Lagos State government over the later imposition of N500,000 fee per base station in the state.
However, events in the recent past suggest that other federal government agencies as well as states are now making effort to usurp NCC’s function in the telecommunications industry which is unknown to the country’s law.
It has become a common practice for any government agency be it federal or state to solicits for one levy or the other from operators while some seek that operators secure approval from them which comes with a fee before they can build infrastructure.
The regulatory body also needs to ensure that competition is enshrined in all market segments of the sector as well as maintain favorable regulatory and investment climate, required for the protection of customers. This is necessary in view of anti competitive behavior of some GSM operators.
The next phase of telecommunications growth will come from expanding coverage to the rural areas. With a 60 percent of the country being covered with Telecommunication services, it is obvious that a huge gap needs to be tapped and already the focus for now by stakeholders and investors is on the rural communities.
Foreign investors are showing enthusiasm to come to Nigeria and do business mostly as a result of the fact that in spite of the infrastructural problems posed by lack of power, roads among others, Nigeria has a high return on investments rate. It is a fertile ground for any investor to recoup their investments in the short possible time; this is because of its population. The country has witnessed higher investments in the urban areas with lower investments in the rural areas by telecom operators. In other to bridge this gap, telecommunications and internet services need to deployed services to the rural areas which will solve the problem of rural to urban drift.
The NCC under Dr. Eugene Juwah, should not relent in its efforts of playing its regulatory functions in an effective manner. Nigeria has a lot to gain and cannot afford to lose sight of the fact that an effective regulatory environment has to a large extent helped in steering the ship of the nation’s telecoms revolution.
As Nigeria celebrates this nine year of Global System for Mobile communication (GSM), subscribers await the introduction of number portability which is believed will in no small measure help to address the quality of service issues.
NCC needs to be commended for rising up to the challenges of regulation, especially with SIM registration, call centre initiative, consumer parliament and its current effort at ensuring that physically challenged group in the society are fairly treated by operators.


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Nigeria CommunicationsWeek believes that technology makes life more exciting and helps improve the lives of people around Nigeria and indeed the world. So since 2007, we have devoted our energy to independent reportage of technology and how they affect lives.

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VCON 2024: QNET Boosts Wellness Products with Cutting-Edge Technology



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QNET, a leading brand in the global direct selling industry, has disclosed significant improvements to its health and wellness products, leveraging the latest advancements in technology.

This development was announced at the ongoing V-Malaysia Conference (VCON) at the Penang Spice Convention Center, Penang in Malaysia, marking QNET’s 26th anniversary and the beginning of a new business model to foster entrepreneurship, self-reliance, personal development, and contribute to the economic growth of communities.

With 8000 people from 30+ countries in attendance, including Nigeria, the company’s representatives demonstrated how the improved health and wellness products enhance the overall health benefits and user experience, which further highlighted QNET’s commitment to innovation, well-being and genuine products and services.

According to, QNET has integrated advanced biotechnology and nanotechnology into its nutritional supplements and personal care products which were unveiled at the conference themed: ‘Unstoppable’.

Read Also: V-Convention Underscores QNET’s Commitment to Transparency and Accountability – Biram Fall

These upgrades are designed to improve bioavailability, ensuring that essential nutrients are absorbed more effectively by the body.

Some of the improved products QNET unveiled at V-Malaysia 2024 are; EDG3 Plus, Amezcua Bio Disc 3, Amezcua Chi Pendant 4 and Amezcua E-Guard X, while its lifestyle products include the Home Pure Nova and Home Pure Zayn.

EDG3 Plus is a mixed-berry flavored powder supplement that contains amino acids that the body uses to produce glutathione. Glutathione is said to protect DNA from free radicals, fight pathogens, and pollutants.

On the other hand, the Amezcua Chi Pendant 4 is a wearable wellness device designed to balance a wearer’s energy field and promote overall health.

While Amezcua products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease, they are designed with Amezcua’s proprietary pendant technology to maintain specific frequencies that harmonize the wearer’s biofield.

The pendant is said to, among other things, support against stress, protect from electronic pollution, promote quality sleep, and enhance productivity and creativity.

Read Also: QNET Reaffirms Commitment to Adhere to Ethical Practices, Local Laws & Regulations

The Amezcua Bio Disc 3 is a product that is said to restructure water molecules and increase energy levels.

During the demonstration session, the QNET team said Amezcua Bio Disc 3 is part of a holistic approach to pain management that also includes the Bio Light 3, which is designed to provide natural pain relief.

According to QNET, the enhanced product line will[D2] , help boost energy levels in the body thereby improving mental clarity, physical endurance and overall wellness. The company’s focus on research and development ensures that its products are not only scientifically backed but also align with modern health trends.

During a media chat, Mr. Trevor Kuna, the chief marketing officer (CMO) of QNET, said that with a local presence in 30 countries and a multilingual global support centre servicing 12+ languages across 14 hubs worldwide, QNET ensures seamless experience for its vast network of distributors and customers.

The company also boasts of six global logistics hubs and more than 50 product stockists globally, “further solidifying our international footprint”, he said.

He described Africa as an important market for QNET, He said QNET is contributing towards community development and empowerment of entrepreneurs to make extra income through direct selling on the continent.

According to Kuna, QNET’s business model does not support a ‘get-rich-quick’ mentality, rather a resilient spirit to remain ‘unstoppable’ despite challenges.

Read Also: QNET Unveils Amezcua Bio Light 3 & Bio Disc 3 for Peak Athletic Performance

He said the company will continue to partner with local authorities to weed out people who do not comply with the company’s ethical marketing policies. This, he said, will ensure only genuine Independent Representatives (IRs) of QNET get to promote QNET products to the public.

“QNET is a global direct selling company that sells products and services in areas such as health and nutrition, personal care, home and living, travel and luxury, and education. QNET’s business model aims to foster entrepreneurship, self-reliance, personal development, and contribute to the economic growth of communities”, he explained.

VCON also witnessed the unveiling of QNET’s Watch and Jewellery brand “Bernhard H. Mayer’s” Serendipity Collection, featuring jewellery made from sustainable materials and the Limited-Edition Wave Rider watch, highlighting QNET’s commitment to sustainable luxury.

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100Pay Expands Crypto Adoption with $200K Startup Fund



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100Pay, one of the leading players in the crypto payments industry, has announced a significant step forward in promoting cryptocurrency adoption across Nigeria with the launch of a $200,000 startup fund.

In addition to the funding, the platform also unveiled its new 4,000-square-meter headquarters in Port Harcourt, signaling a major step in its expansion plans across Africa.

The initiative, according to the crypto firm, is designed to support businesses and startups focused on integrating crypto payments into their operations, particularly through 100Pay’s innovative PAY Checkout platform.

The company said in a statement that the $200K fund aims to empower startups driving crypto adoption through PAY checkout, enabling them to access resources and support needed to implement crypto transactions in physical stores, e-commerce platforms, and mobile apps.

Some of the startups that already benefited from the fund include Everest Mobility, a ride-sharing platform; Cloudnotte, an edutech firm dedicated to making education more accessible; and Meedleman, an escrow service designed to protect freelancers and ensure timely payments.

According to 100Pay, its PAY token, which offers users discounted crypto payments, is central to this program, providing businesses with a seamless way to accept digital currencies straight to their local bank accounts.

“With over 20,000 businesses already onboard, we’re focused on making crypto more accessible for Nigerian businesses,” said Brainy Josh, CEO and founder of 100Pay.

“Our $200K startup fund is a key part of that vision, giving businesses the tools and support to attract crypto-savvy customers,” Josh remarked.

Josh revealed that the company’s infrastructure enables payment acceptance in over 20 cryptocurrencies.

He highlighted the platform’s capability for swift conversions from USDT and PAY tokens to Naira, thereby eliminating the need for peer-to-peer transactions.

He also disclosed that 100Pay’s infrastructure is driving HXAfrica, a Security and Exchange Commission-licensed housing exchange. According to him, HXAfrica simplifies real estate investment through tokenization.

The CEO disclosed that it is partnering with Nano Apps, a cross-platform app store, to support app developers within its ecosystem.

“We are also forming strategic partnerships with major tech and retail brands, including LG, Samsung, Hisense, and BRUHM.”

The company is also working with top e-commerce platforms, ride-sharing services, and utility payment apps to integrate its PAY Checkout system.

In terms of expansion, 100Pay is also creating job opportunities, with over 50 new hires and plans to add 1,000 jobs in the next 24 months, the CEO said.

“The company’s Port Harcourt headquarters is home to a growing team of engineers and customer support specialists,” he stated.

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Leverage technology to drive Nigeria’s STI, NOTAP DG urges stakeholders



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Dr Obiageli Amadiobi, Director General of the National Office for Technology Acquisition and Promotion (NOTAP) has admonished stakeholders in the Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) ecosystem to leverage on technology and Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) to drive to foster Nigeria’s STI commercialisation.

Speaking at a press briefing to commemorate the ‘African Day for Technology and Intellectual Property,’ Amadiobi said Technology and Intellectual Property Rights system have long been recognized as the foremost important factor in nation building and wealth creation.

She said, “Ideas and knowledge are increasingly becoming veritable instruments in international trade relations as codified in the Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property (TRIPS) under the World Trade Organization (WTO) agreement to which Nigeria has been a signatory since January 1, 1995.”

According to the NOTAP boss, the commemoration demonstrates the great importance which the African nations place on Science, Technology and Innovation as an engine that drives development.

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