Nigerian CommunicationWeek

IT Will Ease Registrar’s Job, Capital Market – Ogogo

David Ogogo

Dr.  David Ogogo, is the Registrar and Chief Executive of Institute of Capital Market Registrars; an Associate of the prestigious Association of Business Executives (London), he holds an Advanced Diploma in Business Administration and Masters Degree in Business Administration (MBA) from Lagos State University. He is an Associate of the Chartered Institute of Marketing of Nigeria, a member of the Nigeria Institute of Strategic Management (MSM) and holds a PhD in Corporate Leadership and Governance from the European-American University. Dr. Ogogo worked and held various Senior Management positions in Union Bank Plc, Union Bank Registrars Department, corporate Trust Ltd (a Finance House), Anchoria Investments & Securities Ltd  (a stockbroking outfit), Business Innovators Ltd (a management consulting outfit), among others prior to his new job. He spoke with Peter Ugwu.



Place of Capital Market in Economic Development

The capital market is a securities market that deals with long-term maturity funds. Some people call such securities shares, but that does not cover the entirety of the market. Is a provision or arrangement made for companies to raise fund and for others to invest. That is, both those in surplus and deficit unit come to the market. Who are these people? The deficit unit comprises of organizations publicly quoted and coming to raise money. For instance, when someone buys First Bank shares, the person is in surplus unit, because he is investing in First Bank, so the capital market makes it possible for organizations to raise money for the sake of expansion. It also provides liquidity for investment funds from the standpoint of the individual and the economy. This role differentiates it from the money market that usual goes with short-term investment. The market serves as a measure of confidence in the economy and as an important economic barometer. But due to the short fall of the capital market, most investors are now becoming shy that they now patronize debentures, bonds and such likes. However, we must note that if the capital market is dead, the financial system of the country can not function well. The market is such platform that provides industrial management with some ideas of the current cost of capital through its pricing mechanism, as an important issue in determining the level and rate of investment. It encourages inflow of foreign capital when multinational companies or investors invest in domestic securities. Apart from that, the market provides the opportunities for government to finance development oriented projects.

Market Segmentation

Basically, there are two markets within the Capital Market. We have the primary and secondary markets. The former is for fresh or new securities while the latter is for existing securities. The difference is very simple. The market for fresh securities means that new securities are been introduced for the first time like the Initial Public Offers (IPOs). These are offers by either subscription, but they are coming to the public. For instance, if a company is coming to raise money from the capital market; the first contact is the issuing house. I call them the ‘Coordinators of New Issues’. So the issuing house will invite other parties like the Brokers, Solicitors, Registrars, Report Accounts and other professionals in the industry. They are all participating because of the prospects or offers.


A prospectus is normally prepared for every offer or issue in the primary market. It rests on the shoulder of the registrars to distribute the prospectus to receiving agents. They make use of courier companies or bulk post ventures to send them out. At the end of every offer, of course share certificates are produced by them as well. Previously, registrars travel from one place to another to mail these things themselves. Many thought it was not fashionable to use courier services. Presently, that responsibility is made easier because courier companies are retained to perform that job. In the case of over-subscribed offers, money returned cheques are prepared by registrars for mailing to the investors concerned.

Business Opportunities for Courier companies

Courier and bulk post companies form part of stakeholders in the capital market because of the delivery system. Nevertheless, I would advise them to take note of something while reading newspapers. Usually, companies announce their Board Meetings, probably a completion board meeting because not all board members participated in the last meeting. So the board members, investors and representative of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) have to witness the signing ceremony in support of presented document. Immediately after that, courier companies should know that there are opportunities for grab – it is them to liaise with the registrars. Even in the Secondary Market by the virtue of Companies and Allied matter Act (CAMA), all companies, especially publicly quoted ones are expected to hold their Annual General Meeting (AGM) once a year, and notices are expected to be sent to shareholders 21 days before the date of the meeting. Registrars, therefore retain the services of courier companies to send out annual reports and accounts. At times dividends are declared at AGMs, when this happens, registrars print the relative dividend warrants and courier companies are invited to assist in their dispatch and mailing. 


The market is considering ‘e-Offer’. Already, I have recommendations on Registrars’ IT Infrastructure Review Committee’s Report, which has been with the SEC for about two years now. Although they have not come up with decision due to the public hearing in Abuja, but we are scheduling to meet them. After that, there will be ‘e-Offers’. So, even the documents that have been flying here and there would have been reduced and that portends some danger for the courier service operators. But we should not distant ourselves from innovations in business. You must innovate to survive. By de-materializing, like is applicable in developed countries, we will not be producing share certificates any longer. We want to go paperless. So, if that happens, what will the courier agents carry from one place to another? Is it the flash or CD plates? Definitely, that can’t sustain anyone. So my charge is for them to cue-in to the paradigm shift. Think of what you can do to be part of it.


Both the registrars and the courier companies have various complaints. The registrars complain of dumping of mails by companies commissioned to execute certain contracts; loaded bills; delay in providing proof of delivery and difficulty in tracing missing items. On the missing item, when problems occur in the market, the first point of call is the Registrars’ table. Infact, SEC in one land mark decision defined the registrars as the utmost custodians for the nation’s capital market, because the most important documents in the market are created, updated and handled by them. So when items are missing you see people coming to complain of not receiving their certificates even when they have been dispatched five months back. So, the registrars are put in a fix when the courier companies fail to leave up to expectations. We must get it right to remain in business.    

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