
Juwah Harps on Commitment among CTO Members



Dr. Eugene Juwah, executive vice chairman of the Nigerian Communications Commission, (NCC) has called for more dedication by member nations of the Commonwealth Telecommunications Organization, CTO, to enable the organization meet its obligations and responsibilities in the global telecom committee of nations.
Dr. Juwah who spoke at the close of the Forum and Council meeting of the organization with 22 countries in attendance, said there is worry over the disposition of some member nations, especially in meeting their financial obligations to the organization to ensure its smooth running and implementation of programmes approved by the Council.
He said CTO is a very important organization which members can leverage on to advance the promotion of broadband and other necessary services that will enhance the lives of the citizens of the member countries. The major feature of this year’s event is the election of Mr. Larith Weeratunga, who is currently the Secretary to the President of Sri-lanka, as the new chairman of the CTO.
Underscoring the importance of the organization, Dr. Juwah said since CTO plays a major role in the election of officers of the ITU, it shows the organization plays very crucial roles for the benefit of the members.  This year’s event witnessed campaigns by aspirants to ITU positions at the forthcoming Plenipotentiary of the ITU which will hold in Mexico from 4th to 22nd October 2010 as CTO’s support has contributed to the election of its key officials including the current Secretary General, Dr. Hammadoun Toure.
Meanwhile, the Commonwealth Telecommunications Organisation (CTO) has announced the signing of an MOU with the International Telecommunications Satellite Organization (ITSO) to partner on capacity building initiatives on the application and use of satellite communications systems. Under the partnership, ITSO and CTO will collaborate on delivering satellite communications capacity-building and training through CTO programmes.
With proven expertise in the development and delivery of professional satellite communications systems, ITSO will provide expert trainers to conduct front-line training through two courses on satellite communications focused to policy-makers and regulators, and other stakeholders, including communications operators. For its part, the CTO will include the training initiatives as part of its forum of programmes to officials from CTO member countries that require capacity-building skills in satellite communications.
Commenting on the partnership, Dr. Ekwow Spio-Garbrah, CEO of CTO, said, “We are delighted to have ITSO as our partner, and adding yet another important programme to CTO’s existing portfolio of courses. This new partnership is a logical progression of the two company’s relationship of mutual interest as intergovernmental organisations with the mission to bridge the digital divide. The courses will provide the much-required content needs of our member countries and access to these courses will go a long way in helping ICT stakeholders in developing Commonwealth countries to enhance their skills and knowledge in satellite communications. We look forward to working with ITSO on this programme, and other initiatives in the near future, which will be beneficial to our respective member countries.”
Mr. Jose Toscano, director general of ITSO, said “I am particularly pleased to sign this partnership with the CTO. Broadband satellite technologies in particular afford countries, especially those facing the greatest challenges, with the ability to shrink the effects of the digital (broadband) divide by providing the needed telecommunications infrastructure. I sincerely believe that the growth and continued technological advances of broadband satellite services will inevitably generate greater economic growth in developing countries by being an enabler for e-applications such as e-health, distance learning, e-government, tele-working, and residential and community Internet access. Through this partnership ITSO and CTO will work together to develop training programs adapted to the needs of our member countries and aiming at raising the awareness and knowledge on satellite communications and how these can be used to achieve the ICT goals of the membership of ITSO and CTO.”  
The CTO organises numerous courses to help facilitate the promotion of ICT in developing regions. The courses focus on ICT policy and regulation, fixed and wireless network technology and operations management. With a network of over 300 ICT experts, a total of 43 programmes were completed during the period May 2009 to June 2010, benefiting members in Asia-Pacific, the Caribbean and Africa.  In an industry uniquely typified by rapid and constant change, CTO training and capacity building programmes allow governments, regulatory agencies and operators to stay abreast of new technologies, market changes and best practices.



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