
Layer3 Joins Fight against Challenges Faced by Nigerian STEM Students



Layer3 is an IT solutions company that aims to develop the future of the Nigerian IT landscape to compete globally by investing time in developing the Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) higher education students.

Over 70 students and staff of Hills College of Education, Nassarawa recently visited the company’s Headquarters in Abuja for a day’s excursion.

The excursion was an opportunity for the students to be enlightened about the role of ICT and the various specializations in the world today thereby giving them directions to available job functions in the industry.

Christopher Acheme, a network engineer in Layer3, enlightened the students on Layer3’s segment of the ICT industry in Nigeria while also covering various aspects of the modern network.

This was followed by an insight into cloud computing and virtualization, presented by one of Daniel Ejike, company’s Enterprise Systems engineer.

His presentation focused on details about cloud solutions and server virtualization solutions offered by Layer3 supported by case studies to enable the students understand practical use of these solutions.

The students enjoyed the presentation and were allowed to have a lengthy question and answer session to improve understanding.

Finally, the students were given a tour round the various units in the engineering department to enable them get acquainted with their daily activities.

There were also taken to the various facilities, including the company’s Network Operations Centre.

Godwin Michaels, head of Engineering, Layer3 wrapped it up when he said “as part of our way of giving back to society, one of our main focus has been finding ways to develop students and faculty from higher education institutions. We have noticed graduates from Nigerian Universities are not very exposed to the IT skills and knowledge required in the industry making them unemployable upon graduation. They also find it difficult defining their career paths early enough. Layer3 helps in curbing these by partnering with higher education institutions in the country through facilitating regular free excursions, technical workshops and knowledge sharing sessions for students and faculty of those institutions.”



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