
MTN Unveils Tri-Generation Plant to Produce Power, Recycle Water



The MTN Group has recorded a major breakthrough in power generation on the African continent with the development of a self-sustaining, environment-friendly power supply initiative. A team of engineers at MTN’s Network Group came up with the unique solution – a 2-megawatt (MW), methane-driven tri-generation plant, which is the first of its kind on the African continent.
Speaking at the unveiling of the plant, Karel Pienaar, managing director of MTN South Africa, stated that, in the current climate, there is greater pressure on companies to do more with less in a responsible and sustainable way.
“With our ‘Greening 14th Avenue’ project, we are making a concerted effort to ensure that all our business practices are aligned to a sustainable, cost-cutting model that will reduce our carbon footprint. We needed to ensure that the company’s expansion and growth plans were not hampered by energy shortages or a lack of the power supply we require at the MTN campus to drive the business forward. Our challenge was to look at what was available versus what we needed, and come up with a plan to connect the two.
“The tri-generation plant is the result of a unique solution to meet our strategic objectives. It will generate electricity and, through a second re-absorption chiller cycle using the waste heat, will generate water for the air-conditioning systems in our buildings. The idea of using methane gas to generate energy got us all thinking and the tri-generation power plant is the end result,” explains Pienaar.
Methane gas is a clean-burning, sustainable gas that is reliable and offers a consistent supply. Its journey to the MTN Campus at 14th Avenue in Fairlands, Johannesburg, covers a distance of 874kms, from the Mozambique coast via Secunda and Sasol to Egoli Gas. A grid at the MTN Campus is connected to Egoli Gas to transport the gas down a pipeline to the tri-generation plant that is currently under construction below the Phase II building.
“Today, we are about to witness what was just a plan in October 2008, becoming a reality, in enabling us to manage potential energy shortages and reduce power consumption, increase savings, and initiate a sustainability model to reduce our carbon footprint.
“This plant will also assist us in reducing the greenhouse gas emissions associated with the electricity consumption here at our headquarters, resulting in a reduction of coal-based electricity generation and its associated environmental consequences,” comments Pienaar.
When the plant is fully operational and producing 2 MW of power, MTN expects a return on its investment of R22 million within a five-year period.
“This proactive approach to generate our own electricity has resulted in various other positive ‘green’ spin-offs, and places us in a strong position to deliver on the company’s business and growth plans in a sustainable way,” says Pienaar.
Speaking at the function at MTN, Dina Pule the deputy minister of communications, , commented: “Nothing less than a shift from a high to a low carbon global economy is required and in many cases, ICTs appear to offer the best way to accelerate this.
“Therefore, I am elated to witness that your growing corporate footprint is consistent with your thrust to reduce your carbon footprint. In fact, it is comforting to see that you are going the extra mile to make our sector even greener and safer for future generations.
“This tri-generator plant electricity plant by MTN is evidence that you are an environmentally-friendly and good corporate citizen,” stated Pule.
By generating its own power, MTN is now in a position to plan its own grid to roll-out its services to areas where they are needed. As a spin-off, the plant will produce an estimated 800kW of cooling for free, resulting in further savings in the building’s air conditioning processes.
Using the tri-generation plant, methane gas is burned in the machines and the energy created by the gas-fired engines generates heat and electricity. The waste heat from the engines will be used in the absorption chiller to cool the water. This chilled water is then supplied to the air-handling units that supply the cooled air for the electronic equipment housed in the new building – the Test Switch centre on the ground floor and the Data Centre on the first floor.
The water from the six huge cooling towers is used to cool down the heat from the engines. As it is not used in the absorption cycle, this ‘grey water’ is then recycled through the Phase 1 and Phase 2 buildings on the MTN campus to flush the toilets. All the plant’s processes have been designed to result in savings in the water and electricity costs. And, once it is running at 100% capacity, the plant’s load excess will power and cool the campus.
Another positive and unexpected spin-off for MTN with the development of the tri-generation plant is the resultant reduction in its carbon footprint.
“We have been able to register this initiative as a carbon credit project with the UN-based project to offset the costs associated with purchasing the gas and the tri-generation plant.
“We are seen as ‘green’ through the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions associated with electricity consumption and the consequent reduction in the generation of coal-based electricity and its associated environmental consequences. So, we earn credits while generating our own electricity and recycling the water. It is a win-win situation,” states Pienaar.
MTN is not the only company looking at ways to generate energy while having to cut costs and make savings, and has taken a hard look at ways to counteract the current situation. Its pro-active and innovative approach to save costs and become self-sufficient in generating its own power has enabled it to plan its roll-out grid and provide services when and where they are needed.
“Through our efforts to reduce our carbon footprint and increase our focus on sustainability and our ‘Greening 14th Avenue’ initiative, MTN Group is showing its commitment to lead by example. And, what better way to do this than by creating our own source of sustainable energy,” states MTN Group CEO and President Phuthuma Nhleko.






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