By Adeniyi Ogunfowoke
It is no longer unusual for Nigerians to introduce themselves as netpreneurs since the digital and technology age has introduced groundbreaking changes to the way business is being done. Nigeria’s growing economy has undoubtedly felt the impact.
Contemporarily, you simply need an internet-savvy smartphone and in some cases, a well-designed website to get the badge of a netpreneur. So, who is a netpreneur? A netpreneur – short for internet entrepreneur – is an individual who sells his merchandise or service via the Internet.
It is, therefore, unsurprising that an increasing number of Nigerians are aggressively taking advantage of the internet to carve a life for themselves by making their business sojourn online as either a side hustle or a full-time job.
However, it is not only Nigerians who are venturing into the online world. Before this frenzy to become a netpreneur started, ecommerce firms like Jumia and some others have left their footprint in the sands of online business.
Then, a good number of Nigerians never thought that business could actually be done online. With the possibility and popularity which Jumia gave online business, Nigerians began to troop into the world of ecommerce.
This gradually gave rise to the digital whizkid. The digital whizkid uses social media to transact his business. He/she simply post good pictures of his/her products on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter. Such an individual is just a direct message away from receiving an order request from potential customers. This is quite seamless and attractive.
Furthermore, the travel industry is currently benefiting from this as young tour operators take advantage of social media to market their tours and they have actually been getting people who are willing to go on tour with them. As an added incentive, Jumia’s hotel and flight services have been partnering with some of these tour operators to help them push their packages. This has assisted in no small measures to promote Nigeria’s tourist attractions.
Meanwhile, while these Nigerians are using social media. others go the extra mile to set up a website for either their product or service and use social media for marketing their product. Hence, the netpreneurs behind this do not need to spend extra to market their businesses because they have social media at their disposal for that purpose.
Lessons digital whiz can learn from big online brands
There is no discrimination when it comes to being a netpreneur because as long as you are doing a business online, you are one. This said, there are some big players and pacesetters like Jumia when it comes to doing business online and there is so much these digital whizzes can learn. Some of these things include (1) Reliability and trust: A lot of fraudulent activities take place with online businesses. Thankfully, Jumia has invested heavily in technology to fight fraud and even has its own payment gateway, Jumia Pay to ensure that payments are securely and safely processed. For the digital whiz, they simply need to ensure that orders are delivered when they receive the customer’s alert.
(2) Listen to what customers are saying: understanding who your customers are is critical to being a successful business, no matter the size of your business. All startups and small businesses start with an idea. It can be easy for a small business owner to want to drive every business decision by their initial concept and do what they think is right to get their product or service in the hands of the customers.
(3) Know who you are: Putting processes and procedures together not only helps to organise the business, but they also help companies define what kind of business they want to be. Big companies have strong brand personalities that people can identify with. They know who they are and they know who they want to target; small businesses need to aim to achieve the same.
The netpreneur trend is awesome especially for Nigeria because it is a good way to start up a business with small capital. If the digital whizzes can actually learn from the big players in the online world; in no time, they will become one of the most recognised netpreneurs in the country.