Nigerian CommunicationWeek

Nigeria, Other African Countries Identified among IFC Sustainable Banking Networks

Image processed by CodeCarvings Piczard ### FREE Community Edition ### on 2018-09-24 10:28:37Z | |`~ÿšYRu

Nigeria and four other countries in Africa are among thirty-eight emerging market economies that have initiated key banking reforms to drive development and fight climate change, according to the second Global Progress Report of the IFC-facilitated Sustainable Banking Network (SBN).

The SBN Global Progress Report shows that regulators and banking associations in countries in Africa are adopting national sustainable finance policies and voluntary principles as well as advancing green bond markets and innovative green lending policies.

“African countries will be among the hardest hit by climate change and Africa already faces daunting challenges around job creation and inequality,” said Kevin Njiraini, IFC’s Regional Director, Southern Africa & Nigeria. “Advancing sustainable finance is critical to help the region build competitive and resilient financial services that support inclusive economic development.”

In addition to providing practical resources for countries undertaking sustainable finance reforms, the report also highlights the knowledge shared by SBN members – a hallmark approach of the network. This includes country progress reports from SBN’s six African member countries: Egypt, Ghana, Kenya, Morocco, Nigeria, and South Africa.

Key sustainable finance developments in the region include:

Green Bonds are any type of bond instrument where the proceeds will be exclusively applied to eligible environmental projects. They are regulated instruments subject to the same capital market and financial regulation as other listed fixed income securities.

The SBN report is based on an innovative results-measurement approach developed by SBN members as they work to convert sustainable finance policy reforms into practical implementation and behaviour change across the banking sector.

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