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Phone-for-Farmers Slides Into New Storms



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Last December, Ibukun Odusote, permanent secretary, Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, saw a need to let Nigerians know what impressive work her ministry was doing. She disclosed that they were in the process of procuring some 10 million mobile phones worth about N60 billion from China and the US for free distribution to rural farmers across the country.

According to Mrs. Odusote, the funds had already been appropriated with distribution expected to take off first quarter of 2013.

She pointed that the plan was part of the e-wallet project under which her ministry planned to educate, inform and communicate with the farmers in the rural areas on the latest and best agricultural practices, as well as the current prices of commodities in the market.

To the ears of the technocrats, Mrs. Odusote’s words sounded like music. But to Nigerians, long-accustomed to being ruled by a thieving, wasteful class, this was a further evidence to confirm their fears.

There was a national outcry on all media platforms regarding the size of the appropriation, and the purpose for which it is budgeted.

Sensing that could potentially backfire, the Minister of Agriculture, Akinwunmi Adeshina, hastily took the podium, and argued that the agricultural transformation agenda was carried out with the aim of connecting farmers to information, expanding their access to markets, improving their access to savings and loans, and helping them adapt to climate change dynamics affecting them and their livelihoods.

With its hand most likely forced by the criticism, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development eventually released more details about the project.

Initial reports had indicated that the government planned to spend NGN60 billion (US$381 million) to buy phones and distribute them to farmers; but the minister in charge has since stated that there will be no direct procurement of phones by the federal government and that there is “no NGN60 billion anywhere to be used to buy cell phones.”

According to the minister, farmers will acquire mobile phones through network operators in their locality, paying for the devices with vouchers issued by the government. Mr. Adesina did not state how much value in monetary terms could be placed on the vouchers that government would issue to the estimated 10 million farmers.

The authorities say they will work in partnership with mobile operators, which will sell the devices through their retail outlets. Once a farmer buys a phone and a SIM card, an e-wallet account will be opened through which he can receive vouchers to buy fertilizers, seeds at subsidized rates and access certain information.

The Minister’s explanations sounded better thought-out than the initial press reports of random distribution of free mobile phones to farmers, but the details failed to altogether wipe out the public misgivings on the project.

The initiative seems not targeted at benefiting the already funded federal government rural development projects. For example, the Nigerian Communications Commission runs the Universal Service Provision Fund, which is dedicated to improving information and communications technology in underserved areas, including rural zones, yet at the time the project was conceived, it appears, there was no interface between the two offices.

Strangely, inquiries at the ministry over the procurement process have revealed little information. Officials at the procurement unit of the ministry are not involved in any part of the process. In fact, an official who spoke here on condition of anonymity said that “the whole thing is between the minister’s office and the Presidency.

 It is actually called presidential project” and at such, procurement processes are never followed. This is part of why the public procurement statute was enacted to ensure that all public procurement processes followed clear and transparent steps.

Beyond the zero public procurement process attributable to this “phone-for-farmers” controversy, the Public and Private Development Centre, (PPDC) that monitors adherence, or lack of it, in procurements made by government agencies, has found out that a swirl of additional controversy is building dramatically around the project.

Two other public agencies have literally drawn a line in the sand over the project. The Federal ministries of Women Affairs as well as Communications have petitioned the Presidency over the implementation of the project. In effect, the project is bedeviled by official intrigues and power-play.

The Communication ministry has argued that irrespective of who the target beneficiaries of the project are, they consider themselves better equipped technically to implement the project and bring value to the end users.

On its part, the Women Affairs ministry has raised issues with focus on the number of women targeted to benefit. Not only, according to findings by our investigation, is the Women Affairs contending for a size able percentage of beneficiaries to be of the womenfolk, officials of the ministry argue in their petition to the Presidency that they are the only ministry capable of ensuring that justice on this matter was meted out to the womenfolk.

Our inquiries suggest that the Women Affairs ministry may have obtained the valuable listening ears of the wife of the President, Patience Jonathan, making further progress by the Agriculture ministry nearly unattainable.

A 2007 World Bank report on developing countries including Nigeria, seems to have strengthened the argument in favour of the project along the lines developed by the Federal Ministry of Agriculture.

The report affirms that most small-scale farming systems in the third world would be much more productive and profitable than they presently are if they obtain access to inputs and credit as well as the ability to bear risks. It concludes that access to information was key for farmers to overcoming their unproductive status.

Irrespective of which of the ministries gets the final Presidential nod to handle the project implementation, it has become obvious that the project will not benefit from any transparent public procurement process.

The traditional procurement units in these ministries seem ill-equipped. Nor do they have the requisite political clout to subject to scrutiny and question a project over which the serving minister had endorsed as being central in the President’s transformation Agenda.

Several organizations have requested from the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development copies of procurement records with regards to the ministry’s procurement process under the GES Scheme. Documents made available to this writer showed a duly acknowledged request for information was made using the combined provisions of the Public Procurement Act, 2007 and the Freedom of Information Act, 2011 on the 21st of January, 2013 PPDC. As of date, the PPDC is yet to receive a response from the Ministry which is a clear contravention of the provisions of the FOI Act.

For Mr. Adesina, farming is becoming a more time-critical and information-intense business. A push towards higher productivity will require an information-based decision-making agricultural system. Farmers must get information at the right time and place.

 Research in Sri Lanka recently found that the cost of information, from planting decision to selling at the wholesale market, can make up to 11% of total production costs.

An official of the ministry, in agreeing with the minister’s understanding of agriculture as a business, puts the farming cycle – and the use of mobile applications in agriculture – into a broader perspective and adopts a view of agricultural activities within their entire economic, social and institutional environment.

It tries to understand existing initiatives and experiences as well as the potential of mobile technologies to foster the productivity and performance of individual farmers, of the agro-food value chain including its supporting services, and the agricultural sector as a whole.

However, Nkem Ilo, the team leader at PPDC, it is not entirely so much of technological application as it is about the evident “secrecy” surrounding the process.

She argues that even the absence of commodity stock market in Nigeria makes the tracking of process to productivity as well as profit untenable and therefore bound to fall short on goals achievement.

She argues that countries that have successfully placed climate change and food security within their policy purview in agricultural initiatives have tended to be more successful, indicating an inclination towards a ‘bottom-up’ approach rather than ‘top-bottom’ approach indicative of this policy.

Dr. Bukar Usman of Srilgroup limited, an agricultural company based in northeastern Nigeria, sees the ‘phone for farmers scheme’ differently, agreeing with the minister that ‘it is the next best thing for farmers in Nigeria’.

“It is no doubt a brilliant step to transform agriculture in the country to compete with oil revenue but my fear is the initiative seeks to address the problem of agriculture from the top to bottom instead of from bottom to the top. They also need to eliminate corruption, build infrastructure, create enabling environment for grassroots farmers in Nigeria to compete with their counterparts in developed countries”.

For Mrs. Nkem, people should not lose sight of cost and sustainability of the project. “Averagely, it will cost the Ministry at least 70 kobo per SMS and when you multiply that to 10 million farmers it gives you N700 million for only a batch of SMS.

The average months for the raining season in Nigeria is 6 months, a time the farmers may require frequent information flow, at least, twice a week. This will give us a minimum of N33.6billion”.

Salkida is an independent investigative journalist.

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Private Employers Paying Below N70,000 Risk Jail – FG



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Federal government has said that private employers who pay their workers less than the new minimum wage of N70,000 risk facing jail time.

Private Employers Paying Below N70,000 Risk Jail - FG

This warning was announced by Alhaji Ismaila Abubakar, permanent secretary, federal ministry of labour and employment, at the 13th Annual General Meeting of the Employers Association for Private Employment Agencies of Nigeria.

According to Abubakar, the minimum wage is now a law, and paying less than N70,000 is a punishable crime. Employers are expected to make it compulsory in any contract that their workers earn at least the minimum wage, after all deductions.

The Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) has also weighed in on the issue, with Funmilayo Sessi, chairperson of the Lagos State Council, calling on private employers to pay the N70,000 minimum wage. She noted that the current economic realities make it difficult for workers to survive on lower wages.

It’s worth noting that there is some ambiguity surrounding whether the N70,000 minimum wage is net or gross, with Dr. Olufemi Ogunlowo, president,  Employers Association for Private Employment Agencies of Nigeria, calling for clarification on this issue.



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NAFDAC Says Dettol Health Fresh Soap is Fake



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National Agency for Food and Drugs Administration and Control (NAFDAC) has alerted Nigeria to the sale of a fake soap labelled as “Dettol Health Fresh Soap” in the market.

NAFDAC Says Dettol Health Fresh Soap is Fake

According to the alert on NAFDAC’s website on Thursday, the manufacturer of Dettol Antiseptic products confirmed that the soap is fake as it does not have any product by the name “Dettol Health Fresh Soap.”

“The Marketing Authorisation Holder and manufacturer (Reckitt Benckiser Nigeria Limited) of Dettol Antiseptic products, received a consumer complaint regarding the above-mentioned product. The product was reported to have caused skin irritation to the complainant.

“The MAH has confirmed that the product is fake as they do not have any product by the name “Dettol Health Fresh Soap”. Dettol Antiseptic products are widely used in Nigeria for household disinfection and personal hygiene to prevent illnesses from germs (bacterial infection),” it said.

It added that details of the complaint product were not provided by the complainant except for the name of the product “Dettol Health Fresh Soap.”

The agency noted that the illegal marketing of NAFDAC-regulated products or fake products poses a risk to people’s health, and since they do not comply with the regulatory provisions, the products’ safety, quality, and efficacy are not guaranteed.

It said all NAFDAC zonal directors and state coordinators have been directed to carry out surveillance and mop up the fake product if found within the zones and states.

“Importers, distributors, retailers, healthcare professionals, caregivers, and consumers are advised to exercise caution and vigilance within the supply chain to avoid the importation, distribution, sale, and use of the fake product. All medical products must be obtained from authorised/licensed suppliers. The products’ authenticity and physical condition should be carefully checked.

“Healthcare professionals and consumers are advised to report any suspicion of the sale of substandard and falsified medicines or medical products to the nearest NAFDAC office, NAFDAC on 0800-162-3322 or via email: [email protected].

“Similarly, healthcare professionals and patients are also encouraged to report adverse events or side effects related to the use of medicinal products or devices to the nearest NAFDAC office, or through the use of the E-reporting platforms available on the NAFDAC website or via the Med- safety application available for download on android and IOS stores or via e-mail on [email protected].”

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NiRA Announces First Edition of The Tech Convergence: A Gathering of Stakeholders in Nigeria’s Digital Economy



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The Nigeria Internet Registration Association (NiRA), the official registry for the .ng country code Top-Level Domain (ccTLD), is proud to announce The Tech Convergence 1.0, a two-day conference and exhibition set to take place on the 28th and 29th of November 2024 at the Muson Centre, Onikan, Lagos.

The Tech Convergence 1.0, commemorating its inaugural edition this year, will become a conference and exhibition held each year. For this year, it will precede the 7th edition of the awards also being held in November.

Why Tech Convergence 1.0?

Over the years, Nigeria’s digital scene has seen an explosion of innovators, showcasing how rapidly our digital and internet space is evolving. However, numerous challenges still limit its potential for growth and global competitiveness.

The Nigerian Internet Registration Association (NiRA) recognizes that to ensure Nigeria’s digital future is secure, sustainable, and globally competitive, there is a need to address these issues collectively.

The Tech Convergence 1.0 was conceived by NiRA to serve as a collaborative platform where stakeholders can explore synergies, foster innovation, and collectively drive Nigeria’s digital landscape forward. This ground-breaking event will bring together key stakeholders, innovators, creators, and tech enthusiasts within Nigeria’s digital ecosystem.

The event, themed “Innovating Nigeria’s Digital Future Through Tech and Creativity,” will explore how technological advancements, particularly in the DNS industry and digital content, can accelerate Nigeria’s journey toward becoming a digital powerhouse. It will also create an enabling environment for innovators and creators to thrive.

Additionally, it provides an avenue for stakeholders to explore synergies that will drive the growth of Nigeria’s digital space and contribute to the growth of our internet and DNS industry by promoting the adoption of the .ng domain.

Speaking on the upcoming event, Mr. Adesola Akinsanya, President of NiRA, noted: “The Tech Convergence 1.0 is a pivotal moment for us to come together as a digital community and chart the course for Nigeria’s digital future.

“Our digital future depends on how well we adapt, innovate, and collaborate today. Through the .ng domain, we have a powerful tool that can drive not only business growth but also our nation’s global digital presence.”

The event will feature key activities such as exhibitions, plenary sessions, masterclasses, networking sessions, VR games, raffle draws, and a meet-and-greet with our partners. The event is free and open to the public to attend.

Registration for The Tech Convergence 1.0 is now open, and we invite businesses, innovators, digital creators, government agencies, corporate organizations, tech enthusiasts, and others to register and participate in shaping the future of Nigeria’s digital space.

The Tech Convergence 1.0 will also feature insightful panel sessions on both days, led by top industry leaders and experts. These sessions will explore crucial topics such as digital innovation, content creation, and the adoption of emerging technologies.

Exhibitors are encouraged to showcase their products and services, as The Tech Convergence 1.0 offers an ideal platform to present the latest innovative products and technologies in Nigeria’s digital space to a wide audience of tech enthusiasts and industry leaders.

Recognizing the importance of collaboration, NiRA is seeking sponsors and partners to help make this event a success. We invite you to visit our website to explore sponsorship options or learn how to partner with us.

By partnering with NiRA and other key ecosystem players, you will not only expand your network but also collaborate with influential figures in the Nigerian digital space and showcase your brand to the right audience.

For more information and details on The Tech Convergence 1.0, please visit the official website.

For enquires on sponsorship, partnership and how to be an exhibitor at The Tech Convergence 1.0, contact Ms. Abimbola Aderibigbe at [email protected].

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