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Scammers Target Facebook Business Accounts using Meta’s Infrastructure and Branding



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Kaspersky has discovered a new phishing scheme targeting Facebook business accounts, using legitimate Facebook infrastructure to send deceptive emails with threats of account suspension.

Cybercriminals have devised a method to use authentic Facebook functions to send fake suspension warnings to business accounts. These emails, originating from Facebook, contain alarming messages such as “24 Hours Left to Request Review. See Why”.

Clicking the email link leads to a genuine Facebook page displaying a similar warning. After that, a user is redirected to a phishing site disguised with Meta branding, reducing the time to resolve the issue from 24 to 12 hours. Finally, the phishing site initially asks for innocuous information, followed by a request for the account’s email, or phone number and password.

The attackers utilise compromised Facebook accounts to send these notifications. They change the account name to a threatening message and the profile picture to an exclamation mark, after which they create posts mentioning the targeted business accounts.

And because delivery is via the actual Facebook infrastructure, these notifications are guaranteed to reach their intended recipients.

“Even notifications that appear legitimate and come from a trusted source such as Facebook can be deceptive. It’s crucial to carefully examine the links you are prompted to follow, especially when it involves entering data or making payments. This can make a significant difference in protecting your business accounts from phishing attacks,” comments Andrey Kovtun, a security expert at Kaspersky.


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PalmPay POS Operators Urged to Register or Submit their CAC Certificate to Prevent Account Freezing



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Following CAC’s Directive for POS operators to register and submit their CAC details on or before July 7, 2024, PalmPay is encouraging its Business users who have not yet complied with the directive to do so promptly.

This directive follows Section 863 (1) of the Companies and Allied Matters Act (CAMA) 2020 and the 2013 CBN guidelines on Agent Banking.

Speaking on this directive, Umuteme Enakeno, Head of Marketing and Communication at PalmPay, stated: “PalmPay fully supports the CAC’s directive. To provide a seamless experience for our customers, we have integrated the registration portal with our Business App. In cases where the customers need support, we provide 24/7 customer support to our operators and also conduct weekly meetings to guide them on the process.”

Important Steps to Follow:

  1. Register Your Business via the PalmPay Business App: Ensure that all necessary documents and information are provided accurately before submitting your application.

2 Update Your PalmPay Account Once you get the certificate, update your business details in your PalmPay account to reflect your new corporate status.

As always, PalmPay is committed to doing our part to foster a secure financial ecosystem. We urge all PalmPay Business customers to submit or register their CAC before the deadline. Failure to do so means that the account would be frozen.

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NIN: World Bank Disburses $4.5m for Nigeria’s ID4D Project



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The World Bank said it has disbursed a total of $45.5m to the National Identity Management Commission (NIMC) under the Digital Identification for Development (ID4D) project.

NIN: World Bank Disburses $4.5m for Nigeria’s ID4D Project

According to the ‘Nigeria Digital Identification for Development Project’ report published by the bank on its website, the project is aimed at enrolling more Nigerians for the National Identification Number (NIN).

According to the apex bank, Nigeria was able to secure the funding with the passing into law of the Nigerian Protection Act in June last year.

The fund was disbursed in multiple tranches between December 2021 and April 2024 and disbursement is still ongoing.

The $45m so far released represents about 10.5 per cent of the total project’s cost, which is put at $430m.

While the June 1, 2024 deadline set for the enrollment of 148 million Nigerians for the NIN has passed and Nigeria is still lagging, the Bank described the progress of the project so far as ‘moderately satisfactory’. NIMC recently disclosed that 107.3 million NIN had been issued as of April this year.

The release of funds for the project which comprises a combination of loans and grants, was predicated on the institutionalisation of data protection.

The development comes on the hills of a recent warning by the NIMC to Nigerians, against the activities of some unauthorised websites harvesting people’s data

The websites are,,,, and

On June 20, Paradigm Initiative, a pan-African social enterprise, raised alarm over its discovery of the sale of NINs, bank verification numbers (BVNs), and other personal data of Nigerians on a website for as low as N100.

According to the organisation, a website known as ‘’ was discovered to be involved in the commercial distribution of personal and private data of Nigerians.

Paradigm Initiative added that several unauthorised websites are claiming to hold and provide access to sensitive personal and financial data of Nigerian citizens “for as little as 100 Naira”.

“This alarming development presents a major breach of the fundamental rights to privacy, a breach of

Reacting to the report, the commission said and other aforementioned websites, are data harvesters and unauthorised to access or manage sensitive data.

The agency also denied the exposure of sensitive data of Nigerians “as alleged and reported”.

“The commission, at this moment, assures the public that the data of Nigerians has not been compromised, and the Commission have not authorised any website or entity to sell or misuse the National Identification Number (NIN) amongst all the identities stated in the report,” NIMC said.

“NIMC urges the public to disregard any claims or services these websites offer and should not give their data as they are potentially fraudulent and data provided by the public on such websites are gathered and stored to build the data services they illegally provide.

“Consequently, the public should know that the commission has taken robust measures to safeguard the nation’s database from cyber threats- a secure, world-class, full-proof database is in place.

“The commission’s infrastructure meets the stringent ISO 27001:2013 information security management system standard, with annual recertification and strict compliance with the Nigerian Data Protection Law.”

NIMC also advised Nigerians to avoid giving their data to unauthorised and phishing sites, stressing that licensed partners or vendors are not authorised to scan or store NIN slips but to verify them through approved channels.

“This poses the danger of data harvesting and comprises individual data,” the commission added.

“The Commission reaffirms its commitment to upholding ethical standards in data protection in line with federal government directives and data privacy regulations.”




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9mobile Commemorates Stop Cyberbullying Day



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In commemorating the 2024 Stop Cyberbullying Day, 9mobile, Nigeria’s customer-friendly network held an enlightening online session titled “Cyberbullying vs Free Speech: The Reality, The Difference, and Our Responsibility.”

The event took place on X Space and featured distinguished experts from the media, mental health, and legal sectors who provided insights and answered questions from the participating audience.

The online session brought together voices from diverse fields to dissect the fine line between free speech and cyberbullying. Participants explored the reality of cyberbullying, its impact on individuals and communities, and the differences between harmful behaviour and exercising free speech.

The event underscored the shared responsibility of individuals, corporations, and society in fostering a safe online environment.

The expert panel included: Nikki Laoye, a talented musician, radio host and entrepreneur; Precious Richard-Okon, Plus-size Lifestyle and Dance Content creator; Alice Okoro, Manager, Legal Services for 9mobile and Amara Ruth Esomchi, Certified Health Worker and Therapist.

Talented musician and radio host Nikki Laoye, said that while people are at liberty to make comments on social media, it is important to checkmate bullies on the internet. “I am a radio personality, musician, humanitarian among other things, and I relate with different people across board.

This has opened me up to cyberbullying, but I have learnt how to handle these situations. I agree that people are free to express their opinions, but I know when to put a stop to insults and bullies when necessary”.

Legal expert Alice Okoro highlighted that the right to free speech and freedom of expression is often used as an excuse for cyberbullying. She said, “The Nigerian constitution grants us the right to talk freely, express our opinions, and disseminate information on the internet.

However, there is no fundamental human right in the constitution that is absolute. This means that every right that is granted in the Constitution has limits, and free speech is limited in such a way that individuals are expected to express themselves without contravening any law or provision of the Constitution.”

Okoro further explained that there is major legislation to curb cyberbullying and stalking captured in the Cyber Crimes Act of 2015.

This act seeks to prevent cyber-related offenses such as cyberbullying, online harassment, and cyberstalking among others. Offenders who are guilty of these crimes can be sentenced to three years imprisonment, a fine of up to seven million naira, or both. Repeat offenders can be sentenced to a fine of up to fifteen million naira.

Plus-size Lifestyle content creator and Senior business executive, Precious Richard-Okon, also shared her first-hand experience in the online space and tips on how to navigate effectively.

Public Relations Lead at 9mobile, Chineze Amanfo, emphasized the company’s commitment to promoting responsible online behaviour and the pivotal role of telcos in this endeavour.

She stated, “At 9mobile, we recognize our responsibility to promote causes that shape the digital landscape to ensure it is safe and conducive for all users. We are dedicated to creating platforms encouraging positive engagement and providing users with the tools and knowledge to navigate the internet safely.”

“Our efforts extend beyond connectivity. We are actively involved in educating the public on the importance of responsible online behaviour and regularly disseminate information on how to manage and counter the effects of cyberbullying.

By hosting events like this, we aim to empower our customers and internet users with the understanding and resources needed to combat online harassment and uphold the principles of free speech responsibly,” Amanfo remarked.

As a forward-thinking telecommunications company, 9mobile remains committed to leveraging its platform to foster an inclusive and respectful online community. The company continues to champion initiatives that protect and educate its users, ensuring a safer and more enjoyable digital experience for all.


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