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SERAP Wants Privacy Details of Election Data from INEC



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Socio-Economic Rights and Accountability Project (SERAP) has urged Mr. Mahmood Yakubu, chairman, Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC), to publish the details of safeguards and mechanisms put in place to protect the privacy and security of election information and data in the custody of the organisation, including in its servers, databases and other electronic formats.

SERAP Wants Privacy Details of Election Data from INEC

SERAP made the call  in a Freedom of Information (FoI) request dated March 26, 2022.

In the document signed by Mr Kolawole Oluwadare, SERAP deputy director, SERAP urged him to “clarify whether any third-party is involved in the collection, control, and use of election information and data, the legal rules and processes guiding the choice of any such third party”.

SERAP also urged him to “clarify the other location or locations where election information is stored apart from Abuja, and the details of any third-party who has access to such a database, the safeguards and contingency plans put in place by INEC to address any threats to the privacy and security of election information”.

“Ensuring adequate safeguards and mechanisms to protect the privacy and security of election information and data would improve the ability of INEC to effectively discharge its constitutional and statutory duties”.

SERAP said: “This would also help to remove risks of attack and unlawful interference by any unauthorised person with election information and data”.

According to SERAP, “Widely publishing the details of safeguards and mechanisms of election data and information would also contribute to improving the sanctity and integrity of the electoral process, and public trust and confidence in the process”.

The letter, read in part: “Putting in place adequate technological security measures to prevent unauthorized access to election information and data would improve the credibility of the electoral process and the enjoyment of people’s right to participate in their own government.

“As an institution, which collects, controls and uses election-related information and data in the discharge of its constitutional and statutory duties, INEC has a legal responsibility to ensure adequate protection of such information and data from threats and vulnerabilities to attack or interference.

“Any interference by unauthorised third party in election information and data may be used for corrupt, political and other unlawful purposes, and would expose election systems to fraud and meddling, as well undermine the right to participation and the country’s democratic system.

“The right of people to participate in their government is a fundamental feature of any democratic society, and any infringement of privacy and security of election information and data would strike at the heart of representative government.

“We would be grateful if the recommended measures are taken within 7 days of the receipt and/or publication of this letter. If we have not heard from you by then, SERAP shall consider appropriate legal actions to compel INEC to comply with our request in the public interest.

“SERAP notes that voter registration systems and voting systems are the most vulnerable and susceptible to manipulation by corrupt politicians and other actors.

“As the experiences in other countries have shown, election information is often susceptible to unlawful interference by corrupt politicians and other actors, which can be damaging to the integrity of the electoral process and democratic practices.

“The experiences of other countries demonstrate the need for INEC to take effective and transparent measures to ensure and protect the privacy and security of election information and data, which would protect the integrity of the country’s democracy.

“Any privacy or security weakness in any component of any of the election systems can be easily exploited to cast doubt on the integrity of the electoral process.

“Our requests are brought in the public interest, and in keeping with the requirements of the Nigerian Constitution 1999 [as amended], the Electoral Act, the Freedom of Information Act, and the country’s international obligations including under the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights, and the African Charter on Democracy, Elections, and Governance.

“SERAP notes that Section 9(2)(a) of the Electoral Act 2022 provides that INEC ‘shall keep the Register of Voters in its National Headquarters and other locations as the Commission may determine.’ The provision also states that INEC ‘shall keep the Register of Voters in electronic format in its central database.’

“Section 153 of the Act defines ‘electronic format’ to include ‘the electronic version of the Register of Voters or National Electronic Register of Election Results, as the case may be, created, recorded, transmitted or stored in digital form or in other intangible forms by electronic, magnetic or optical means or by any other means.”

The organisation said: “Section 37 of the Nigerian Constitution, article 17 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, and article 5 of the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights protect against arbitrary or unlawful interference with one’s privacy.

“Interference with the privacy of election information and data would clearly undermine the security of any such information and data. Similarly, Article 9 (1) of the African Charter provides that, ‘Every individual shall have the right to receive information.

“Article 2(10) of the African Charter on Democracy, Elections, and Governance requires states parties including Nigeria to ‘promote the establishment of the necessary conditions to foster citizen participation, transparency, access to information, and accountability in the management of public affairs.’”




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Nigeria’s Financial, Telecoms’ Firms Hit by 586,130 Cyber Attacks in Six Months



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Cybervergent, a cybersecurity-focused technology company, at the weekend released its half year cyber threat report on the activities of hackers that focus their attacks on Nigeria’s financial institutions and telecoms companies, revealing how it detected 586,130 attacks on organisations that it manages in Nigeria.

Nigeria’s Financial, Telecoms Firms Hit by 586,130 Cyber Attacks in Six Months

The attacks mostly external, were monitored from January to June 2024.

Among the 586,130 attacks launched on various organisations, Cybervergent was able to resolve 226,103 of the attacks by automation, while 19,920 endpoints were protected by Cybervergent.

According to the report, events analysed by Cybervergent’s Security Operations Centre (SOC), reached 304,522, while all potentially malicious events analysed by Cybervergent within the same six months period, reached 42,200.

Analysing the report, Mr. Gbolabo Awelewa, chief solutions officer at Cybervergent, said with the increasing threat in cyberspace, organisations must ensure that regular application and systems updates are carried out on existing applications and systems to prevent the attacks at scale.

“As we move forward, our Cyber Operations Centre remains steadfast in its mission to anticipate, detect, and thwart evolving threats that seek to compromise the integrity of digital assets. With a deep understanding of the threat landscape and a relentless pursuit of innovative security solutions, we are poised to continue our unwavering defense of the financial sector and other industries’ digital landscape, safeguarding organisations’ trust and confidence in the face of ever-changing cybersecurity challenges,” Awelewa said.

Highlighting the threat actors that targeted Nigeria in the first half of the year, Awelwewa listed them to include: Gelsemium, Equation Group, Lyceum, Gamaredon, Circus Spider, Mirage, Common Raven, Bronze Highland, Earth Krahang, as well as Insider Threat Syndrome.

According to him, Gelsemium is a sophisticated cyber espionage group known for its targeted attacks on high profile organisations across various sectors.

“They use custom malware and advanced techniques to evade detection, and their target is on public administration, educational services and national security,” he said.

Awelewa described the different types of insider threats to include: Disgruntled Employees, Accidental Insiders and Negligent Insiders. He explained that motivated by anger, financial gain, or a feeling of being benched, the disgruntled employee could inflict serious damage, while accidental insiders are those that capitalise on mistakes of others to launch an attack on the organisation.

He said the negligent insiders are those that reveal their credentials to others or forget to lock their laptops when leaving the office, advising on staff duty rotation and compulsory leave for all staff.

The report highlighted cybersecurity trends that organisations and institutions must tackle in the second quarter of 2024 as Zero-Day Exploits, where hackers exploit unknown vulnerabilities before anyone can patch them; Cloud Security Focus, since every organisation and institution is moving to the cloud; Cybercrime as-a-service, which allows hackers to launch frequent attacks; and Ransomware Surge, with attackers likely to use more sophisticated encryption and sneaky tactics to avoid detection and maximise the impact, including insider threats.


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Nigeria in the Forefront of Enhancing Consent and Data Privacy in Identity Management – Durodola



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While the world grapples with how to solve data privacy issues with rising cases of cybercrime and identity theft, Mr. Olatunji Durodola, founder and chief innovation officer of UrbanID Global, who spoke on a range of digital identity technology matters, in this interview gives thumbs up to Nigeria for being ahead in the fight. 

Question: The name of your company, UrbanID, is unique. What informed the choice of this name?

Answer: For many years, I have had a knack for creating names that spring to mind, Musk Ideas, CommonIdentity, PocketIntelligence or PocketOne. UrbanID was an inspiration that came to mind one day, and it stuck.

You were called ‘Linux Prophet’ by a leading technology magazine back in the early 2000s. What is your story in the Open Source tech sector?

I have always had an interest and passion about taking on big players. Microsoft, Oracle, Novell – having to pay top dollar for licensing for productivity. I made a decision one day “anything one can do in Windows, if it can’t be done in Linux, then it’s not worth doing”. So, since 1999, I have been a passionate Linux advocate. Since August 2001, I have not used any Microsoft, Oracle or other proprietary product; yet my productivity and solutions provisions have only increased – decade to decade.

Your name has been synonymous with the digital identity ecosystem for a long time. What has been your involvement in the ID system industry?

Nigeria has had a lot of issues over the years with Identity. In the early 2000’s I became involved in the overhaul of the Identity systems for a large Estate in Lagos. I cut my chops in Identity Management during that period.

In 2012, I was fortunate to have been headhunted to attend to some issues in Abuja, and that led me to raise my hand and offer to serve as Systems Integrator and Technical Consultant at the National Identity Management Commission (NIMC). A three-month contract eventually turned to 10 years. I have also been consulting for a few companies in Europe, advising and giving keynotes on the state of affairs in the Global South.

As a leading professional in the digital identity ecosystem, considering the recent experiences of reported data breach in Nigeria’s national identity sector, how could Nigeria have averted such breaches?

There needs to be a more serious approach to identity management. Whilst every company is set up to turn a profit and carry out business, relaxing restrictions so that companies can make money is a classic recipe for trouble.

Each and every verification carried out on a person’s identity needs to be known, from the natural person carrying out the transaction to the company for whom that natural person is acting on their behalf, all the way to ensuring that the ID holder is kept in the loop at all times. My identity is mine – not the Government’s. So I reserve the right to know how my identity is utilised, by whom, when and where.

If I wish to transfer money to another person, even if it is in two equal tranches, I need to authorise the transaction TWICE. Where companies are not constrained from doing “store and forward”, whereby they keep illegal copies of a legal request for data, it opens up vulnerabilities for such issues. Plenty can be done, if we have the will to make it happen.

In view of trust and reliability issues that arose when individual data could be accessed with the authorization of the data owner, what is the impact of data breach on a nation’s security as well as such a nation’s status in data privacy globally?

Many past systems had been designed with a concept of licensing verification entities (relying parties) who are issued access rights to personal information. Some of these parties then build their own API infrastructure, without the knowledge of the ID Holder, and data is then transmitted, sometimes with little or no encryption.

In the era of Data Privacy focus designs, it has become IMPERATIVE to seek and obtain the consent of the ID Holder, EACH and EVERY time. The national identification number (NIN) is a static number; which means that if the NIN is what is used to fetch information, then the ID Holder’s input or consent becomes redundant and goes against the positive global trend for enhancing data privacy.

How would you rate Nigeria’s National Identity Database vis-à-vis data security and protection issues given recent events in the country?

Surprisingly, a lot has been done in a short space of time. Nigeria is actually in the forefront of enhancing Consent and Data Privacy. We just need to tidy up a few loose ends. We are currently, believe it or not, the envy of a few “developed” economies, who wonder how Nigeria could have come up with a system that puts the NIN Holder first. We just need to fine-tune some issues, and we will establish great relevance in the world of Identity Management and User Consent.

How secure is the Nigeria digital identity database given the issues of ID authentication, consent management and verification?

That is a question really for the Government to answer. Any response I give may not be a fair one.

UrbanID is involved in ID systems globally, but with key concerns for developing economies like Nigeria. What is UrbanID’s focus on getting Nigeria to be topmost in data privacy as a benchmark for other nations?

It’s about time Nigeria takes the lead on a few positive things, especially in technology. What we have been privileged to have helped Nigeria accomplish, including Africa’s first MobileID ecosystem: last count 23 million users as well as one of the most advanced User Consent Systems based on Privacy by Design and Zero-knowledge proof technologies, with a healthy dose of Public Key Cryptography.

There is so much more work to be done, to get our functional IDs to work seamlessly with the foundational one, ensure strict one-person, one-identity compliance, and more. Are we there yet? No. Is Nigeria on the path? Absolutely. Let’s not relent or roll back.

Your company has a passion for digitalisation as a key feature for getting governments to optimise service delivery, accountability and transparency. What is your target for getting Nigeria to key into this goal and implementing full digitalisation of governance?

The first thing Governments need to do, is focus on treating citizens/legal residents as customers whose needs come FIRST.

No environment or country is perfect – there are always flaws and issues. But where we take customer service delivery as paramount, and self last, a Government will be so highly praised, that even where it has flaws, they will be overlooked.

Respect for citizens’ concerns, rights and privileges are so very important, just like fuel for a vehicle is. I also suggest that we adopt a system of rewarding public servants who prioritize resolving customer’s needs. Nigeria is not unique in this regard.

We also advise a number of other Governments, and see to a varying degree interactions between the General Public and Public Servants. It’s very doable. The Nigerian Government at the time of writing, is making great strides and effort to attend to these concerns, and should be given a chance to erase any mistrust of the past.

Based on statistics, transformational projects such as the National Identity Scheme have an average of 30% success rate in meeting their objectives, globally. How will you rate the Nigerian journey so far?

The journey of a thousand kilometres starts with the first step (or turn of the wheel). Let’s keep it up. Successive governments should take up the baton from the past one, and do better, rather than simply discard what was working and replace it. That’s like beginning a race all over again. The next folks will come in and repeat the process.

I wish the Government well. Let the process be led by them, not by the interests of vendors. I would include myself in this. Just speaking as a Nigerian.

Technology used in identity biometrics has evolved significantly over the years from smart card to digital ID Apps that can run on mobiles and block chain systems. In your opinion, how current is Nigeria in this area?

Technology should be an enabler for simplifying use cases. Whilst there is definitely a need for physical identity tokens, the support infrastructure is fragile and very capital intensive. eID Cards and Payment Cards (popularly known as ATM Cards) may look alike, but their implementation, issuance and lifecycle are very different.

Having designed Nigeria’s first eID Card back in 2012-13 and overseen the deployment of the Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) to support it, I am acutely aware of the issues contained therein. The world (for good reason) is trending towards very secure MobileIDs and in increasing cases, mobile Drivers’ licence specifications (mDL), all with a view to using technology to achieve a low total cost of ownership, simplifying ID updates and features without the need to replacing physical documents. I could give a myriad of examples, but I think the point is clear.

For now, if Nigeria opts to go back down the road of physical cards, I wouldn’t say it’s wrong. But simply discarding 23m issued and functional mobileIDs and secure documents in favour of identity smartCards, when both can run in parallel I personally think is not the way to go. I may be wrong, but I doubt it. Time will tell.

Broadly speaking with your experience on global ID systems, what should be the ideal system for an emerging economy like Nigeria?

There are international standards and best practices that it can tap in to. A hybrid of Digital IDs and physical cards with a proper Public Key Infrastructure and Card Lifecycle Management System are necessary technologies. Training and technology transfer are key to customer services.

With Nigeria’s population growth rate at an average 2.40%, how concerning is the country’s identity management system since enrolment of citizens is an ongoing process and huge capital is required?

My short answer: tighten enrolment systems, retrain enrolment staff, enhance identification of enrolees to reduce chances of a person obtaining multiple identities, and spend money where needed. The rest will sort itself out.

Whereas the bank verification number (BVN) appeared to have launched Nigeria into global reckoning with FinTech, will you consider BVN an appropriate tool for National Social Register?

The Bank Verification Number is a functional ID, designed for the fintech industry and has worked pretty well until now. Extending the BVN however, beyond that sector, especially to rival the National Identification Number (NIN), is a recipe for trouble. The NIN is a foundational ID, which in itself needs to be protected. It’s not meant to be shared willy-nilly under the umbrella of “Mandatory Use of the NIN”.

Likewise, for a National Social Register, a functional ID needs to be created, which will be linked directly to the NIN, but should not be the raw NIN and most certainly not the BVN.

Issues in payment and access to finance have been linked to poor national identification system. To what extent will you consider the new E-ID as the ultimate solution?

From the experience of Nigeria and other countries, physical ID Cards ALONE are not a solution. Certainly not where we have limited support infrastructure. I won’t say much on the topic. Time will tell.

What exactly is the difference between the current digital ID System and the E-ID?

Digital ID systems make heavy use of Smartphones and technologies that do not require physical cards to deploy credible tokens for personal identity. A very good case is the US where most states have physical driver’s licences, but are now being integrated into Smartphones, adopting mobile Driver’s licence standards such as ISO 18013-5.

eID are generally Electronic ID Smart cards containing a chip, and may be contact, contactless or dual interface cards. The eID infrastructure is great, if properly deployed, very secure, but very, very capital intensive.

Insecurity still persists in Nigeria despite the enrolment and issuance of over 120m National Identification Numbers (NINs) by NIMC. Why do you think it is so difficult to track criminals in spite of advances in our identity management system?

The answer is a simple one: interagency cooperation and collaboration. Every problem has a solution. If we are ready to solve these challenges, it’s not hard. There are countries that link Healthcare, Banking, Property rental and purchase, and so much more, to the foundational ID. If Nigeria wishes to solve the problem, it’s not theory that will solve it. All hands on deck, collaborate between agencies without one believing they are superior to the other, and the solution will magically appear.

But so long as turf protection exists, individuals within and without the country will continue to exploit our weaknesses.

There are obviously challenges in our system with several silos collecting data of Nigerians; what will be your expert suggestion in eliminating this practice and harmonising the various databases?

As mentioned earlier, turf protection is our biggest challenge. A key outtake of this is the silos you mention. The establishment of an independent Government Cloud, and an enabling environment where stakeholder agencies contribute to its evolution, and we will get there.

You have been long enough in the system to know how well Nigeria is doing. How do you compare Nigeria’s National Identity Management System presently with that of other developing nations?

Over the past 12 years, Nigeria has taken very bold steps. Back in November 2013, it issued one of the most sophisticated eID Cards in the world. Alas, Government support for the infrastructure was missing, and eventually, the ID agency was not able to maintain the issuance bureau or purchase much needed high performance card printing machines.

The issuance of cards for free, was also a challenge for companies who had installed capacity to personalise those cards. The sticky point was how they would be paid. So it eventually died. Between 2020 and 2024, Nigeria led Africa with the issuance of MobileIDs, taking advantage of the very enviable spread of Smartphones in the Country, and creating an enabling environment for their use. Alas, public awareness was lacking. That 23m MobileIDs were even issued is a testament to the power of word of mouth.

All these developments were by 100% local talent – and it worked! Accolades around the world again. Yet, it would seem the trend is now to go back to physical cards.

The World Bank had also advised against the issuance of physical cards, which were to a large extent, also very reliant on foreign expertise. Nigeria does not produce components nor the operating systems they rely on.

Those foreign vendors with specialist skills will provide invoices to the Government in their native currency (USD or Euro). They want our money, but not our currency. In other words, they want our Naira, but not in Naira. So where the value of the Naira since 2012 has dropped from N160: $1 to N1700: $1, the rest speaks for itself.

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NIMASA, BOI Partner to Grow Capacity In Maritime Sector



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Nigerian Maritime Administration and Safety Agency (NIMASA) and the Bank of Industry (BOI) have initiated discussions on strategies for capacity building in the maritime industry.

Dr. Dayo Mobereola, Director General of NIMASA, represented by the Executive Director of Maritime Labour and Cabotage Services, Mr. Jibril Abba disclosed this during a visit by the management of the bank led by Executive Director of Large Enterprises, Mrs. Ifeoma Uz’Okpala.

Osagie Edward, the agency’s Head of Public Relations, said in a statement that in addition to safety, security and maritime labour, the agency’s mandate encompasses capacity development aimed at growing the sector.

Also, Mobereola explained that NIMASA’s commitment to collaboration was a vital tool for achieving its mandate.

He said: “The aim is to actualise the vision of the Federal Government to reposition the maritime sector, especially with the creation of the Ministry of Marine and Blue Economy.”

Also, Uz’Okpala affirmed the bank’s readiness to support NIMASA, emphasising the importance of collaboration in implementing a robust capacity-building initiative that would contribute to economic growth in Nigeria.

She noted: “Bank of Industry Limited is Nigeria’s oldest and largest Development Finance Institution (DFI) currently in operation. It is owned by the Ministry of Finance Incorporated (MOFI) Nigeria (94.80 per cent), the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) (5.19 per cent) and private shareholders (0.01 per cent).

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