
Sudan’s Largest Bank Upgrades its Islamic Core Banking System iMAL



Islamic banking software specialist Path Solutions today announced that Bank of Khartoum (“BOK”) has successfully upgraded to the latest version of Path Solutions’ iMAL 13.2 and is live in its entire 60 bank branches to support its 650,000+ end-user accounts.

BOK has upgraded their core banking system to benefit from the tremendous enhancements in Path Solutions’ iMAL new version 13.2 and the upgrade was achieved in a record time.

The latest Islamic core banking solution from Path Solutions will enable the bank to achieve high levels of scalability, optimize system productivity, create more secure online banking services, decrease maintenance costs and ensure the continuous operations of the entire division.

Bank of Khartoum has been using iMAL Islamic core banking system since 2010. The upgrade was an important part of the bank’s growth strategy to continue to achieve its business objectives.

Jacob Zachariah Karuvelil, executive vice president of Path Solutions’ Operations & Global Support said, “BOK was the first Early Adopter Program ‘EAP’ Pilot Upgrade to the new iMAL 13.2 version. The upgrade was completed and it has been few weeks of Post Go-Live support with no reports of any critical issues”. He further added, “We succeeded in upgrading the main production environment and all its branches including the decentralized branches in the same weekend without business being interrupted”.

“The reason for implementing the new version is primarily for new functionalities”, commented Fadi Salim Al Faqih, CEO at BOK.

“With the improved upgrade and release strategy that Path Solutions has, we are pleased that this latest version will help us to realize and fulfill our strategic goals. We have worked very closely with Path’s team and they proved to be a true partner in this project”, he added.

The upgrade project has involved a project team that consists of integration specialists, database administration, specialist to conduct internet banking penetration testing, along with Business and Technical Consultants to propel all planned tasks.

Specific expert trainers were also allocated for the training on the new functionalities of this release. This close cooperation between Path Solutions and BOK resulted in this project great success.

The latest version release of iMAL enjoys the advantages offered by the previous version in addition to many more enhancements and improvements.

It enables Path Solutions’ clients to work within an efficient environment and provides new features like ‘CIF 360˚ View’, ‘Customer Session’, ‘Online Screen Customization’ and more.

iMAL is modular and yet fully integrated, multi-lingual, multi-company, multi-currency, flexible, and scalable, and has high ability in parameterization and customization providing real-time 24/7 non-stop banking.

Built on JEE platform and SOA compliant, iMAL runs as web application and can be deployed in multi-tier setup environment.

Path Solutions is present in 33 countries, three continents, and has a client base of over 100 clients that are forward-thinking Islamic banks, Islamic financial institutions or Islamic subsidiaries.



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