In a bid to improve the lives of women across Lagos State, Nigeria; Karis and Eleos Hand of Hope Foundation has announced the launch of the...
In commemoration of World Cleanup Day, The Coca-Cola System, comprising Coca-Cola Nigeria Limited and Nigerian Bottling Company (NBC), recently partnered with RecyclePoints to facilitate clean-up activities...
Coca-Cola Nigeria Limited along with its bottling partner, Nigerian Bottling Company, has won three awards at the eighth edition of the Marketing Edge Annual National Marketing...
The Recycling Scheme for Women and Youth Empowerment (RESWAYE), an environmental sustainability and women empowerment initiative, sponsored by The Coca-Cola Foundation, has come to an end....
Coca-Cola Nigeria Limited in partnership with Whitefield Foundation has empowered over 20,000 individuals with business skills across the 36 states of Nigeria through the Special Intervention...
As part of its sustained strategy of fostering a “World Without Waste”, The Coca-Cola Foundation, has recently partnered with Statewide Waste and Environmental Education Foundation (SWEEP)...
A women empowerment and capacity building program sponsored by The Coca-Cola Foundation in partnership with Karis and Eleos Hand of Hope Foundation, tagged, “Catalyst for Change”...
The Coca-Cola Company has appointed Alfred Olajide as its new Vice President and Managing Director for its Nigeria Operations following a reorganization of The Coca-Cola Company’s...
As the coronavirus pandemic continues to impact the world, Coca-Cola Nigeria Limited and its bottling partner Nigerian Bottling Company Limited (NBC) has pledged its support to...
Sprite, leading sparkling lemon-lime flavored soft drink is moving away from its iconic green packaging to a new unique design in transparent PET plastic bottles for...