If you’re familiar with mafia movies then you’re familiar with extortion – the practice of obtaining something, especially money, through force or threats. Extortion has been...
In its latest cyber security white paper, Cyber Security Perspectives – 100 Requirements When Considering End-to-End Cyber Security with Your Technology Vendors, Huawei outlines the industry’s...
Digital Jewels, has introduced an online wisdom and secure sense to sensitise on cyber security. Adedoyin Odunfa, managing director, Digital Jewels, at the information security awareness...
Tori Abiola, is the managing director, Montgomery West Africa. She joined Montgomery in 2012 and has over 16 years experience working in a variety of marketing,...
A cross section of software experts have returned a damning indictment on the federal government, accusing her of “paying lip-service to software development”, and insisting that...
With losses at £2.7bn, John Chen, interim chief executive must find a new way forward as Bloomberg Businessweek magazine’s cover showed a range of archaeological objects...