Emeka Mba, renowned media industry expert and former Director-General of the Nigerian Broadcasting Corporation (NBC), delivered a captivating talk on building innovative platforms to participants of...
Chika Ekeji, Chief Strategy & Transformation Officer of MTN Group, has reiterated the company’s commitment to become the largest, most valuable business platform in the African...
A World Boxing Federation (WBF) title fight, national light heavyweight title fight and national cruiserweight title bout will headline the 24th edition of GOtv Boxing Night...
OPPO, global technology and smartphone brand, recently announced a new memory expansion technology that allows users of Reno5 Series smartphones in Nigeria to temporarily increase the...
OPPO has launched the new Reno2 Series into the Nigerian market at an event held at LASWA Jetty, Ikoyi, Lagos. The Reno2 and Reno2 F...