WhatsApp has announced that it will no longer be supported on a variety of phone models starting from the summer of 2024. This decision affects a...
Sony has layed off 8per cent of its PlayStation employees globally, amounting to approximately 900 people. In addition to cuts in the US and Japan, the...
The internet of things (IOT) sector will propel eSIM or embedded SIM connections globally, outpacing eSIM-enabled smartphone growth. This is based on insights from Juniper Research,...
mSurvey, the mobile-first consumer feedback platform which allows business to obtain feedback directly from their customers in real-time, has officially launched in Nigeria. Safaricom backed mSurvey...
Google is getting ready to make its Android Wear software, which powers wearable devices like smartwatches, work with Apple’s iPhone. The company will add support for...
Sony, in a bid to beef up its PlayStation Now service, is acquiring OnLive’s patents for an undisclosed sum. OnLive hoped to change the video game...
For nine years in a row, Apple has been the most innovative company on the planet, according to report by Boston Consulting Group, the elite consultancy....
Sony, the leading consumer electronics and entertainment brand has unveiled its extensive blueprint for expansion across the African continent. Defined by a rigorous 360 degree immersion...