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The Hanke’s Misery Index: How Africa’s Economic Challenges Are Holding Back the Continent Part 3



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By Evans Woherem, Ph.D

Addressing the Root Causes

The section highlights the urgent need to address the root causes of poverty and economic challenges in many African nations. It emphasizes the importance of decisive action, effective leadership, and learning from successful examples to overcome these challenges and foster sustainable development.

The section also covers various key areas, including addressing immediate challenges, implementing sustainable economic strategies, promoting infrastructure development and regional integration, and the significance of unity among African nations.

  1. Addressing Immediate Challenges

Addressing the immediate challenges faced by African nations, as highlighted by the Hanke’s Annual Misery Index of 2022, is crucial. This section emphasizes the importance of tackling inflation, unemployment, and poverty-contributing factors to create an enabling environment for economic growth and improved well-being. To overcome these challenges, decisive action and effective leadership are required, prioritizing the well-being of citizens and implementing sustainable economic policies.

In order to accelerate development, African countries need to learn from successful examples. By studying countries that have transformed their economies and improved living standards, Africa can adapt their strategies and adopt a comprehensive, multi-pronged approach. This approach should include economic reforms, investments in education and skills, promotion of entrepreneurship, strengthening of institutions, improvement of infrastructure, and fostering regional cooperation.

By addressing the challenges highlighted by the Misery Index, African nations can create a favorable environment for economic growth and improved well-being. Effective leadership, learning from successful experiences, and implementing a comprehensive approach are essential for overcoming the present challenges and setting Africa on a sustainable path of development and prosperity.

  1. Implementing Sustainable Economic Strategies

To foster sustainable economic growth in Africa, it is crucial to address the root causes of economic challenges with comprehensive and innovative strategies. This includes implementing prudent fiscal policies to combat inflation effectively, controlling government spending, managing public debt, promoting transparency and accountability, and tackling waste and corruption in government spending. Additionally, creating sustainable employment opportunities through investments in sectors with growth potential, promoting entrepreneurship, vocational training programs, and public-private partnerships can empower individuals and drive economic progress.

Political stability is paramount for long-term economic growth. Fostering peaceful and inclusive societies, resolving conflicts through dialogue, and strengthening democratic institutions are key aspects to focus on.

By promoting the rule of law, protecting human rights, ensuring citizen participation, and establishing transparent governance structures, African nations can create a favorable environment for investment and sustainable development, attracting investments and encouraging the establishment of transparent governance structures.

Facilitating affordable and accessible credit is vital for stimulating investment and economic growth. African governments should work towards creating an enabling environment for credit access by implementing sound financial regulations, promoting competition among financial institutions, improving financial literacy, and empowering individuals and businesses with favorable credit terms through measures like credit guarantees for small enterprises.

  1. Promoting Infrastructure Development and Regional Integration

To achieve a sustainable future, Africa must prioritize infrastructure development and regional integration. Addressing Africa’s reliance on imported energy sources is a critical aspect of this endeavor.

By promoting decentralized renewable energy systems, such as mini-grids and community-owned projects, Africa can provide electricity access to remote areas while involving local communities in renewable energy initiatives.

These decentralized systems not only reduce dependence on imports but also yield cost savings, enhance energy security, lower emissions, and stimulate local economic growth. Successful implementation of these projects necessitates government support, financial incentives, and collaboration with the private sector.

In addition, digital connectivity and financial inclusion are instrumental in driving economic growth and development in Africa. By expanding broadband infrastructure and leveraging blockchain technology, Africa can revolutionize access to digital services, e-commerce, and education, thereby uplifting millions of lives.

This expansion of internet access extends the benefits of online banking, e-commerce platforms, and educational resources to underserved rural communities, fostering communication and collaboration between businesses and government agencies. Blockchain technology ensures secure and transparent financial transactions, effectively curbing fraud and corruption and bolstering trust in financial systems. Together, digital connectivity and financial inclusion empower Africa, promoting inclusivity and prosperity.

Furthermore, sustainable infrastructure development plays a crucial role in building a greener and more efficient future for Africa. By prioritizing green infrastructure projects, such as renewable energy-powered transportation systems and energy-efficient buildings, Africa can significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions, improve air quality, and generate employment opportunities in the clean energy sector. Integrating smart city concepts further enhances efficiency by leveraging technology to optimize traffic flow and monitor energy usage, promoting sustainable urban development.

To drive economic progress, regional integration and trade promotion are vital for Africa. Strengthening regional economic communities encourages collaboration, reduces trade barriers, and harmonizes regulations, facilitating cross-border investments.

Developing robust transport and logistics networks enhances connectivity, enabling seamless movement of goods and services between businesses and markets. By promoting cross-border investments, Africa can leverage new technologies, skills, and job opportunities, fostering sustainable growth and development across the continent.

In conclusion, promoting infrastructure development and regional integration is crucial for Africa’s sustainable future. By focusing on decentralized renewable energy systems, digital connectivity, sustainable infrastructure, and regional collaboration, Africa can overcome challenges, drive economic growth, and foster prosperity.

  1. Uniting African Nations for Economic Progress

The unity and cooperation among African nations through regional or continental integration are paramount for driving economic progress. Currently, intra-Africa trade represents just 14.4% of total African exports. However, according to forecasts from the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, implementing the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) has the potential to boost intra-Africa trade by approximately 33% and reduce the continent’s trade deficit by 51%. The relatively low levels of intra-regional trade in Africa compared to other regions like Europe (69%), Asia (59%), and North America (31%) underscore the need for enhanced collaboration within the continent.

The urgency for African countries to unite at the regional or continental levels cannot be overstated. Many African nations lack the necessary size and strength to effectively operate on their own. Encouragingly, the ongoing efforts made by East African countries towards unity serve as an inspiring example for the rest of Africa, emphasizing the importance of cooperation in addressing pressing economic challenges. Prompt adoption of the East African model by other African countries and regions is essential.

The African Union (AU) has already taken significant strides in tackling economic challenges through initiatives like the AfCFTA, African Agenda 2063, and the development of the Pan-African Payment and Settlement System by the African Export-Import Bank. These commendable efforts deserve recognition and support as they hold tremendous potential to drive Africa’s development. It is crucial to effectively implement these projects within their designated timeframes.

Successful execution of these initiatives would not only enhance intra-Africa trade but also contribute to overall economic growth and prosperity in Africa. Given the urgency of the situation, it is imperative for all African countries to unite and collectively overcome the obstacles that have hindered their progress.

Investing in critical areas such as inflation management, unemployment reduction, poverty alleviation, entrepreneurship promotion, political stability, affordable credit, renewable energy, digital connectivity, sustainable infrastructure, and regional integration is vital for Africa’s development.

By adopting a comprehensive approach and drawing inspiration from successful examples, Africa can reduce poverty, improve the quality of life, and stimulate economic growth. Effective leadership, innovation, and a commitment to learning from successful experiences are essential in paving the way towards a prosperous and inclusive future for Africa. The unity of African nations is the key to unlocking the continent’s economic potential.


The economic challenges faced by African countries, as evidenced by the Hanke’s Annual Misery Index of 2022, highlight the urgent need for comprehensive and targeted strategies to address the root causes of these issues. Factors such as inflation, unemployment, political instability, and poor governance have a profound impact on the well-being and development of African nations. To overcome these challenges and unlock Africa’s economic potential, a multi-faceted approach is necessary.

Addressing inflation requires prudent fiscal policies, control over government spending, transparency, and accountability to combat rising prices. High unemployment rates, particularly among the youth, call for investments in education, vocational training, entrepreneurship promotion, and public-private partnerships to create sustainable job opportunities. Political stability is crucial for long-term economic growth, and it can be fostered through peaceful and inclusive societies, resolving conflicts, and strengthening democratic institutions.

To stimulate investment and economic growth, affordable and accessible credit must be facilitated through sound financial regulations, competition among financial institutions, and favorable credit terms for individuals and businesses.

The promotion of decentralized renewable energy systems can reduce Africa’s reliance on imported energy sources, improve energy security, and foster local economic development. Digital connectivity, financial inclusion, and the adoption of blockchain technology can revolutionize access to digital services, e-commerce, and education, promoting inclusivity and prosperity.

Sustainable infrastructure development, prioritizing green projects and smart city concepts, is essential for building a greener and more efficient future in Africa. Regional integration and trade promotion play a vital role in economic progress by fostering collaboration, reducing trade barriers, and enhancing connectivity. In fact, Africa needs to unite into confederated countries in order to maximize its potential and its place in the committee of nations.

By investing in these areas and adopting innovative strategies, Africa can address the root causes of economic challenges, reduce poverty, and promote sustainable economic growth. Effective leadership, learning from successful examples, and a commitment to comprehensive development are crucial in transforming the economic landscape of Africa and improving the livelihoods of its people. With the right policies and actions, Africa can pave the way for a prosperous and inclusive future.

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Allison, BHM Partner to Host ‘Africa Breakfast Convos’ @UNGA79



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Africa stands at vital crossroads, balancing intricate geopolitical challenges while taking advantage of promising economic opportunities. With the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) announcing 73 Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) projects in Africa worth more than $53 billion in the last year alone, according to the World Economic Forum, and significant growth in technology, renewable energy, and healthcare sectors, across the continent, Africa is poised for remarkable progress.

In light of these developments, Allison, a globally renowned communications consultancy, and BHM, Africa’s leading public relations firm, are joining forces to co-host an exclusive breakfast event on the sidelines of the 79th United Nations General Assembly (UNGA79) in New York City.

The “Africa Breakfast Convos,” set for Friday 27 September 2024, at the World Trade Center, will convene business and public sector leaders from various African nations, representing key sectors such as telecommunications, finance, entertainment, government, technology, and trade.

With 70% of sub-Saharan Africa’s population under 30 and projections indicating that one-fifth of the global population will be African by 2030, the continent’s youthful demographics are drawing significant international attention.

This exclusive gathering aims to showcase Africa’s immense potential for economic growth and development while emphasising the continent’s role in achieving sustainable development goals.

The event will feature panel discussions, keynote speeches, and networking sessions exploring various aspects of the African narrative: big business, technology, pop culture, creative economy, soft power, and geopolitics. It will serve as a platform to highlight expertise and innovation on the continent.

Claudine Moore, Managing Director, Africa, at Allison, stated, “The ‘Africa Breakfast Convos’ represents a unique opportunity to bring together influential voices and decision-makers from across Africa and beyond.

“We’re excited to again facilitate meaningful dialogue during the United Nations General Assembly when Africa is a focus and we are collectively working towards collaboration driving sustainable growth and social impact across the continent.”

Femi Falodun, Executive Director, BHM, added, “This event underscores Africa’s position as a land of opportunity for investment and collaboration.

“By showcasing the continent’s dynamism and potential, we aim to foster partnerships that will contribute to shared prosperity and sustainable development.”

The “Africa Breakfast Convos” aligns with UNGA79’s theme while focusing on Africa’s potential as a driver of global progress.

“It emphasises the role of business in driving sustainable development, the importance of public-private partnerships, and the opportunities for collaboration with Africans in the diaspora.

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Privacy Protection is Now Right of Citizens —Olatunji, NDPC Boss



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Dr. Vincent Olatunji, national commissioner and chief executive officer, Nigeria Data Protection Commission (NDPC), has stated that it is now the right of citizens for their privacy to be protected.

Privacy Protection is Now Right of Citizens —Olatunji, NDPC Boss

Dr. Vincent Olatunji, national commissioner. NDPC

Olatunji said this when he received a group of international data protection experts from Somalia who were on a study tour to explore Nigeria’s data protection ecosystem and its unique models.

Nigeria and Somalia are meant to exchange ideas on the protection of data, with the East African nation eager to learn what their West African counterparts are doing to keep the privacy of their citizens safe.

“It is a digital age and the protection of the privacy of all citizens of the world is paramount,” he said during the meeting held in Abuja.

“It’s now the right of all citizens for their privacy to be protected. That’s why all countries across the globe are putting in place those measures to ensure that they have their enforceable data protection rights and also put in place data protection authority to ensure that they enforce the law of data security.

‘In Nigeria, we recognise the need to protect the privacy of our citizens as it is enshrined in the 1999 constitution.”

Speaking earlier, Jamal Mohammed, Somalia’s ambassador to Nigeria, advised the delegate from his country to go home with the message that Nigeria has everything the war-torn country needs to develop. He pleaded with the NDPC DG to help his country in the area of data privacy and security.

“I’ve been here for three years now. Everything Somalia needs is in Nigeria in terms of knowledge and in terms of experience. I’d like you to take this message to Somalia,” he said.

“Don’t go to any other places. So, you’ll get anything you need in Somalia. However, in my stay here, I faced two challenges.

“The number one challenge was to convince Nigerians about Somalia. They have a phobia about Somalia. The same thing with Somalians.

“I’ve tried to convince Somalians to come to Nigeria but now they’ve got an opportunity.”

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TD Africa Opens Cross-Border Licensing Opportunities To Microsoft Resellers



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In a bid to unlock new growth and profitability opportunities for businesses of all sizes, TD Africa has pulled wraps off its fully automated Microsoft Cloud Solution Provider (CSP) platform.

Through this innovative automated portal, Microsoft’s indirect resellers can now resell Microsoft licenses in 47 African countries and enjoy security, profitability, increased productivity, collaboration, and flexibility, courtesy, TD Africa.

Nigeria CommunicationsWeek reports that the automated CSP solution which streamlines the licensing process from customer onboarding to license provisioning, eliminates manual tasks and reduces turnaround times, thus, allowing businesses focus on delivering exceptional customer value while maximising their revenue potentials.

Read Also: TD Africa partners ZTE for quality and affordable smartphones

With competitive pricing and a comprehensive suite of Microsoft cloud products, businesses of all sizes now have access to a compelling solution to expand their reach and drive digital transformation.

The advantages of the platform which include: seamless license provisioning, competitive pricing, expanded reach, enhanced efficiency, and comprehensive product suite, make it an ideal choice for businesses seeking to capitalise on the growing demand for Microsoft cloud solutions on the continent.

Tobe Mbaneafo, Head of the Microsoft Business Unit at TD Africa, said that TD Africa is elated to introduce the A to Z automated CSP platform.

His words: “We are excited to introduce our Automated CSP platform as a game-changer for businesses looking to expand their operations across Africa.

“By providing a seamless and efficient solution for selling Microsoft licenses, we are empowering our partners to capture new opportunities and deliver exceptional value to their customers.

“This platform is a testament to our commitment to driving digital transformation and supporting the growth of businesses across the continent.”

Read Also: MTN Nigeria, Microsoft Partner on Cloud Data Hosting Solutions

To make the process stress-free, TD Africa has developed a user-friendly platform ( to among other things, enable businesses register and verify their account effortlessly, access a personalised dashboard for managing customer records, add tenants, select products, make payments, explore a comprehensive product catalogue with competitive pricing, make secure payments directly on the platform, and benefit from automated license provisioning after successful payment.

The tech distribution giant’s automated CSP platform is the future of cross-border business, offering unparalleled efficiency, scalability, and profitability.

Existing Microsoft partners can leverage this groundbreaking platform by registering at


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