
The Need for Caution When Dealing With Brokers, Agents



In sourcing for an insurance policy, some prospective buyers often get carried away by the sweet-selling efforts made to them by the insurance agents and brokers. Due to the sweeping financial implications of an action not well taken at the point of buying your policy, it is advisable that prospective buyers should be cautious when going for an insurance policy. Take your time in analyzing the various options before making a decision. Do not get forced into a decision by the pressure of the insurance agent. Insurance brokers have vested interests and they work for the insurance company and not you. Remember this when dealing with them. The more you pay to the insurance company the more the broker gets as a commission. There are some basic things you need to know when dealing with agents or brokers. First, you must need to understand the simple fact that insurance agents may go to any extent to sell their insurance product, however they do not sell any redundant product, hence one need to be extremely cautious. They will never highlight the drawbacks of their policies; hence one should himself clarify all doubts. They are most interested in obtaining the signatures of the client of the agreement papers. Each time you come across an insurance broker, there’s a desire to have a look on their career ups and down; often times one may be tempted to interrogate them regarding their business background. When dealing with these classes of people, sometimes, you may also think it necessary to watch their confidence and behaviour. They may tell you about what you are expecting and at the same time may think of some unwanted careless thoughts. When you are uncertain about anything, you must pursue what your mind states and do not have any business with the individual. You can locate different agents and have them complete the same assessment before you acquire someone whom can lay your confidence in and you are complacent with them. Your financial limitations must be the primary factor in deciding which broker or which policy you will opt for. The agent might try to convince you that a more costly policy may save you more money eventually. This is a possibility but just in case it is beyond your means don’t be talked into it. If the broker is still trying to sell a more expensive policy, ask him why you must comply and if you find the answer unsatisfactory you can always go in for another agency. Finding an insurance broker who you can trust and who works in your best possible interest may prove a stressful task for most people, but remember that the well being of you and your family depends totally on it. It is foolish to invest in a policy with such high end premiums that it results in your cutting down on daily necessities like food and medicines. Persons must avoid the advice of others and resist temptations regarding spending money or spending an excessive amount of money on unnecessary items. Conservation of funds must be a top priority until financial times are more secure. Also, it is important to know the broker deeply, making sure that he is registered under the National Council of Registered Insurance Brokers (NCRIB) who has the mandate to regulate the work of brokers. But above all things, the watch word is being careful before you put sign any contract agreement.



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