Nigerian CommunicationWeek

Unguided, Non Investigative and Unprofessional Journalism


Nigeria as a country is presently undergoing series of challenges from past poor governance occasioned by negligence of oath of office and lack of vision.

Due to this lack of effective and efficient leadership, the followership or the public got misguided in different sectors of professional contributory input to stem up the vacuum created by weak leadership.

In every nation, communication through the media has a powerful effect in steering governance, as it is a source of information required to direct the mind-set of the citizens.

If such information is unprofessionally dissipated to the public, the resultant effects create negative mindset to the citizen and on the long run misguide the public from knowing the simplest truth of governance.

It has been very upsetting to the masses with the shortage of petrol, poor electricity supply, hike in food prices etc.

The governance task is very overwhelming. The media organizations owe it to the nation, be it online, print, social, etc. to ensure patriotic, professional, investigative and directive journalism. It becomes very worrisome when any media house will carry falsifying reporting either sponsored or instigated.

We have read so many sponsored and instigated publications in both print and online media on either the sack of the present Honourable Minister of State for Petroleum Resources/GMD NNPC or on his sincere duty account on his ministry with the present lingering shortage of Petroleum Motor Spirit (PMS).

All these were either sponsored by those who by virtue of their pursuit of selfish interest to appoint their crony into office or those who by virtue of their political powers are looking for one favour or the other will instigate such publications for their personal gains.

These are happening in our media set-up because the nation is inundated with non-performing institutions like the media houses that rely on their sustenance of existence through such back door incomes. If the reporters are well catered for in their professional commitment, such cheap and lack of truth publications will never surface in any media house.

For a man like the present Minister of State For Petroleum Resources/GMD NNPC to be saddled with dual tasking responsibilities by the President that is very careful, honest and corrupt free minded leader, it is worthy of interest to respect the individual.

 Dr. Ibe Kachikwu is an internationally recognized professional with undoubtable profile. His capabilities, effectiveness and sincerities to serve his nation can never be quantified.

His short time in office has radiated in his sector with a clear vision of good, focused, effective and sincere leadership. The shortage of PMS can never be traced to him because his leadership is directed towards resolving the enormous cancer that has been for long ignored by all governments through surface dressing.

Time has come for Nigerians to wake up and condemn those sponsoring cheap and instigated journalism for their selfish benefit.

Time has come to put a stop for those seeking to reap from back door income to disseminate false publication.

Time has come for Nigerians to start appreciating their sons and daughters who have gone out to the international arena and performed creditably well to be appreciated in their fatherland. 

Time has come to encourage the likes of Dr. Ibe Kachikwu to offer us their acquired professional knowledge for others to emulate.

Time has come for those who believed that Nigeria will never see progress to immediately stop because we now have a president who cannot be easily manipulated to change his focused agenda.

For a better clarity and sincere information, Dr Ibe Kachikwu is still the substantive GMD of NNPC. He will serve his tenure by the will of God.

He will surely leave a true professional legacy after his service to the nation. Nigeria Oil and Gas sector will surely be the leading change mantra for President Buhari administration.

Let those who are yet to accept realities stop cheap sponsoring publications and also those journalists who prefer to go behind for back door income without investigating know that the value added to such publication is virtually non-existent.

We must appreciate the fact that a man handling such a sensitive portfolio must always make news but must it be done to always undermine the character involved?

The backdoor media houses should allow our Ministers to perform without further distractions. It is a call to serve and not a call to be ridiculed.

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