
With Touching Lives, Airtel Committed To Nigeria’s HCD Index



Nigeria is by far the most populous country in Africa and is well endowed with natural resources; a uniqueness that gives it an edge over all other Third World countries.

However, despite these advantages, the Human Capital Development Index which measures the achievements of a country in terms quality of life shows that Nigeria still lags behind in the economic and social wellbeing of its average citizens.

There are several people in Nigeria who need help to achieve their dreams but do not find one readily available to them and it is in response to this that  Airtel has vowed to support different people across the country through its Airtel Touching Lives CSR Programme.

For Airtel, investing in social interventions is not a new development, as it has over the years been strongly committed to giving back to its host communities.

This spirit of charity is not limited to the company alone; it also permeates down the line of its entire workforce whohave at various times added to the company’s effort at bringing succor and relief to many Nigerian families through the Employee Volunteer Scheme.

The case of a five year-old boy that was born with an organ deficiency known as Hirsch sprung disorder which made him unable to carry out normal bowel activity is still fresh to mind.

His parents became distraught when they learnt that after several operations they still needed several millions to operate him.

Fearing for the life of their son, they sought help from well-meaning Nigerians.

It was however with the commitment of Airtel, through the contributions of its employees, that the boy got a lifeline and adequate funds were raised for his operation.

The case is one of the many other instances where Airtel has shown love and care and given hope to those in despair.

Through the Touching lives initiative, Airtel aims toaffect the emotional and physical needs of many more underserved Nigerians positively whilst also  providing comfort for many who have no support.

Mr. Segun Ogunsanya, managing director and chief executive officer, Airtel Nigeria, whilst speaking at the launch in Lagos said that the programme is meant to empower the underprivileged Nigerians and tackle the challenges millions of people are facing.

“At Airtel, we are passionate about the people we serve and the Nigerian society. Airtel Touching Lives provides a platform for the needy in our society to be identified, heard and also cared for,” he said.

As the tree of hope is being planted across the country through the philanthropic gesture of Airtel, families and individuals now have an opportunity to partake in the company’s benevolence.

As a leading telecommunications provider with a growing subscriber base, Airtel is aware, and inspired daily by the selflessness of Nigeria’s citizens, who daily pick up their devices to compose, broadcast, retweet and monitor efforts at bettering the lot of their fellow man, woman or child.

It is doubtful that there exists a Nigerian who has never seen, passed on or even contributed to raise medical fees for a total stranger; others have even acted on images from Twitter and rushed to donate blood in times of national urgency.

It is in line with encouraging and developing Nigerians’ innate charitable nature that Airtel has commenced the opening of dedicated channels through which Nigerians can nominate disadvantaged persons in need of special intervention.

In much the same way that Nigerians have admirably spoken out to save others using the tools of telecommunication supported by collective action, applications will be sought, collated and assessed transparently.

The stories of individuals who finally get selected from all applications received and the intervention provided by Airtel will be shared on both satellite and terrestrial TV stations as a 13-week series.

This has the primary aim of inspiring Nigerians to remain committed to the ideals of humanity that demand we all as individuals, contribute our bit towards enriching the lives of others, and by extension developing Nigeria’s Human Capital for the greater good of all.

Other significant social intervention projects on the Airtel’s front-burner includes its Adopt-a-School Programme which has been operational since 2011 and takes on the peculiar needs of schools and students across the federation.

There is also the Airtel Red Hot Promo which made a new breed of millionaires able to uplift their personal circumstances and become empoyers of labour, as well as the National Call Centre Project, to mention a few.

Indeed, Airtel is most concerned about helping individuals connect and realise their dreams even as it remains steadfast in its pursuit of being the most loved brand in the daily lives of our country’s greatest resource—ordinary Nigerians.

Femi Adeniran is head, Public Relations at Airtel




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